
『ももたろう』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Momotaro” の絵本

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Page 1

Once upon a time, a woman found a peach in a river. She took it home to show her husband.
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Page 2

The woman and her husband wanted to eat the peach. The woman cut the peach open. Suddenly, a baby boy came out! They called the boy Momotaro.
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Page 3

Momotaro grew up and became a strong boy. He liked to play with his bow and arrow.
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Page 4

One day, monsters began to attack the village. Momotaro decided to fight against them. He planned to go to the island where the monsters lived.
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Page 5

The woman made special dumplings for Momotaro. They would give him super strength. He put the dumplings in his bag and he began his trip to the island.
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Page 6

On the way, Momotaro met a dog. Momotaro gave some dumplings to the dog, so the dog became Momotaro’s friend.
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Page 7

Momotaro also met a monkey and a bird. He gave his dumplings to them, too. Momotaro and his friends continued their trip to the island.
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Page 8

They found a boat, and they sailed to the island. They were going to fight against the biggest monster on the island!
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Page 9

They found the biggest monster of all. The dog bit the monster's leg! The monkey scratched the monster’s arm! The bird poked the monster in the eye! Together, they beat the biggest monster!
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Page 10

Momotaro and his friends beat all the monsters and took the treasure back to the village. They were heroes, and they protected the village for many, many years.
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Page 11

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Page 12

Once upon a time, a woman found a peach in a river. She took it home to show her husband.
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Page 13

The woman and her husband wanted to eat the peach. The woman cut the peach open. Suddenly, a baby boy came out! They called the boy Momotaro.
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Page 14

Momotaro grew up and became a strong boy. He liked to play with his bow and arrow.
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The story of "Momotaro"