
『ラプンツェル』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Rapunzel” の絵本

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Once upon a time, there was a man and his wife. The wife was going to have a baby. They were walking together, and the wife said, “I see a fruit tree, and I am hungry.” So, the man got some fruit. He gave it to his wife.
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That night, the man went to the tree again. Suddenly, a Witch appeared! "Thief,” she said. “That is my tree!” The man said, “I am sorry. I will not take your fruit again.” But the Witch said, “Too late! You have eaten my fruit. So, you must give me your child!”
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The man’s wife had a baby girl, and they named her Rapunzel. The man said, “Maybe the Witch will not come. But suddenly, the Witch appeared. She said, “Thief! Give your child to me.” The Witch took Rapunzel and put her in the top of a tall tower.
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Years later, Rapunzel became a beautiful woman. She had very long hair. Rapunzel was lonely because the Witch was her only visitor. Also, the tower had no door. The Witch would climb Rapunzel’s long hair to go inside.
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One day, a Prince found the tall tower. Then, he heard the Witch saying "Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair." He saw the long hair come out of the window. The, he saw the Witch climb up.
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The Prince waited for the Witch to go away. Then, he yelled, "Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair!" When the hair came out, the Prince climbed up. First, Rapunzel was scared of the Prince because he was the first man she has ever seen in her life. Later, however, Rapunzel fell in love with the Prince.
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Months later, the Witch found out about the Prince. She cut off Rapunzel's long hair. Then, the Witch said, “When the Prince comes tomorrow, he will have a surprise!”
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The next day, the Prince came. He called, "Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair!" When the hair came out, the Prince climbed up. At the top of the tower, the Prince saw the Witch holding Rapunzel’s hair! And he saw Rapunzel crying.
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The Witch pushed the Prince very hard, and he fell from the tall tower. He fell into the forest, and Rapunzel could not see him anywhere. Rapunzel was very sad and lonely.
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Rapunzel did not want to live without the Prince and she jumped out of the tower. She thought she would die but she didn't. Soon the Prince and Rapunzel found each other in the forest. Together, they went to the Prince’s castle, and lived happily ever after.
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Once upon a time, there was a man and his wife. The wife was going to have a baby. They were walking together, and the wife said, “I see a fruit tree, and I am hungry.” So, the man got some fruit. He gave it to his wife.
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Page 13

That night, the man went to the tree again. Suddenly, a Witch appeared! "Thief,” she said. “That is my tree!” The man said, “I am sorry. I will not take your fruit again.” But the Witch said, “Too late! You have eaten my fruit. So, you must give me your child!”
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Page 14

The man’s wife had a baby girl, and they named her Rapunzel. The man said, “Maybe the Witch will not come. But suddenly, the Witch appeared. She said, “Thief! Give your child to me.” The Witch took Rapunzel and put her in the top of a tall tower.
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The story of "Rapunzel"