The Chest Full Of Coins

『コインでいっぱいのむね』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Chest Full Of Coins” の絵本

The Chest Full Of Coins
The Chest Full Of Coins
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The Chest Full Of Coins
Once upon a time, there was a man. He was very rich. He had two sons and two daughters. He promised that, when he died, he would give all of his money to his children. The man’s children were greedy, and they wanted his money. They could not wait for him to die. The oldest son said to the man, “Give us your money now, and we will take care of you.”
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The Chest Full Of Coins
The man gave all of his money to his children. His children were very happy, and for a while, they took care of their father. But soon, things changed. One day, the father said to his youngest daughter, “Will you go for a walk with me?” The daughter said, “I am too busy to take care of you today. Go ask someone else.”
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The Chest Full Of Coins
The man asked all of his children, but nobody wanted to walk with him. Because they all had money, they did not want to take care of him anymore. The man thought, “I will be sad and lonely now. My children do not care about me; they care about the money that I gave to them.” Then, the man had an idea.
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The Chest Full Of Coins
One day, the man carried a heavy chest into the house. All of the children saw the chest. The oldest daughter asked, “What is that?” The man said, “It is a chest full of coins." The youngest son said to the man, “You gave all of your money to us!” The man said, “Well, I kept some for myself. Now, when I die, I will give this to the child who loves me the most.”
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The Chest Full Of Coins
For the rest of his life, all of the man’s children kept very good care of him. Finally, after many years, the man was going to die. He said, “I will give my chest to my youngest daughter.” When the man died, the youngest daughter quickly opened the chest. Inside were many rocks and dirt! The man had tricked his children into taking care of him.
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The Chest Full Of Coins
The Chest Full Of Coins
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Page 7

The Chest Full Of Coins
Once upon a time, there was a man. He was very rich. He had two sons and two daughters. He promised that, when he died, he would give all of his money to his children. The man’s children were greedy, and they wanted his money. They could not wait for him to die. The oldest son said to the man, “Give us your money now, and we will take care of you.”
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The story of "The Chest Full Of Coins"