The Stonecutter

『いしきりしょくにん』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Stonecutter” の絵本

The Stonecutter
The Stonecutter
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Page 1

The Stonecutter
Long ago, a Stonecutter was hired to make a beautiful stone path for a rich man’s house. When the Stonecutter saw the Rich man’s house, he was sad because his house was very small compared to the big house.
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Page 2

The Stonecutter
The next day, when the Stonecutter was working, he said, “I wish I were rich.” Then, he heard a voice that said, “You have wished it. It will come true.” It was the Spirit of the Stone!
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Page 3

The Stonecutter
When the Stonecutter went home, he was surprised. His house had become a great big mansion! He was rich, and he did not have to work anymore!
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Page 4

The Stonecutter
The Stonecutter was happy, but one day in Summer, he saw the King. The King’s servants were cooling him with big fans. The Stonecutter said, “I wish I were a King.”
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Page 5

The Stonecutter
The next morning, the Stonecutter’s servants woke him up. They cooled him with big fans all day. He had become a King! He had a lot of power. But still, he felt bothered by the hot Sun.
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Page 6

The Stonecutter
The Stonecutter said, “I wish I were the Sun.” And then, he was the Sun. And he had a lot of power! He made everyone too hot. Then, a Cloud came and blocked his heat.
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Page 7

The Stonecutter
The Stonecutter said, “I wish I were a Cloud!” Then, he became a Cloud. He blocked the Sun’s heat, and he brought rain. He rained and rained. But the Stone never moved.
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Page 8

The Stonecutter
The Stonecutter said, “I wish I were a Stone!” Then, he became a great big Stone. And nothing could move him. But one day, a Man came. He had tools, and he cut the Stone.
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Page 9

The Stonecutter
Then the Stonecutter said, “I wish I were a Stonecutter again.” Then, the Spirit of the Stone said, “You have wished it. It will come true.” And he was a Stonecutter again. He never wished for anything else, and he was happy.
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Page 10

The Stonecutter
The Stonecutter was a Man. He knew things that Bankers and Princes could not know. He was stronger than the Sun, the Cloud, and the Stone. He was a Man!
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Page 11

The Stonecutter
The Stonecutter
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Page 12

The Stonecutter
Long ago, a Stonecutter was hired to make a beautiful stone path for a rich man’s house. When the Stonecutter saw the Rich man’s house, he was sad because his house was very small compared to the big house.
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Page 13

The Stonecutter
The next day, when the Stonecutter was working, he said, “I wish I were rich.” Then, he heard a voice that said, “You have wished it. It will come true.” It was the Spirit of the Stone!
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Page 14

The Stonecutter
When the Stonecutter went home, he was surprised. His house had become a great big mansion! He was rich, and he did not have to work anymore!
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The story of "The Stonecutter"