The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin

ナスレッディンホジャのものがたり』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin” の絵本

The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin
The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin
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The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin
Hodja Nasreddin once got invited to a wedding. He went there in casual clothes, but people mostly ignored him. And he could not get a seat at the table with the food. He ran back to his house, and he put on his most expensive fur coat. Then, Hodja returned to the wedding. This time, everyone treated him so nicely, and they had him sit at the center of the dining table. Suddenly to everyone’s surprise, Hodja started dipping his fur coat into the soup. He said, “Here, fur coat. Have the soup. It must be for you. Because when I came here without you, I was not treated well at all.”
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The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin
One day Hodja Nasreddin was preparing to give a sermon at the mosque during a Friday prayer. He asked the people, “Do you know what I am about to tell you?” The people responded, “No, we do not.” So, Hodja said, “Well, I have been preaching to you for years, and you have no idea what I am talking about. So I will not tell you anything today.” Then, Hodja went home. The people were confused, but they gathered again the following Friday. Hodja asked the same question again, “Do you know what I am about to tell you?” This time everyone said, “Yes, we do.” Then, Hodja said, “Well, if you already know, then I do not need to tell you.” On the third Friday, Hodja asked the same question, “Do you know what I am about to tell you?” This time, half the people said “No, we do not.” And the other half said, “Yes, we do.” And then, Hodja said, “Well, in that case, those who know should explain it to those who do not.”
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The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin
One day, Hodja Nasreddin was fixing the rooftop of his house. A beggar passed by. The beggar thought, “If I can make old Hodja come down, he will give me some money.” So, the beggar said, “Hodja, I have a very important question to ask you, but you must come down.” Hodja reluctantly stopped his work, and he went down the ladder. He was sweating and tired. The beggar said, “Hodja, can you give me some gold coins?” Hodja said, “Hmm. Please come to the rooftop with me.” The beggar climbed the ladder with Hodja. Now, both men were sweating and tired. That is when Hodja said, “Sorry, I cannot give you any gold coins.”
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The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin
After the Eid celebration, Hodja Nasreddin put aside a 5-kilogram chunk of meat for the winter. The very next day, Hodja’s wife invited all of her friends to lunch. She served all of Hodja’s meat to her friends. That evening, Hodja came home and saw that the meat was gone. He asked his wife, “Where is the meat?” Hodja’s wife lied and said, “The cat ate all of it while I was outside.” Hodja picked up the cat, and he put it on a scale. The cat weighed 5 kilograms; the same as the missing meat. So, Hodja asked, “If this is the cat, then where is the meat? And if this is the meat, then where is the cat?”
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The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin
One day, Hodja Nasreddin was walking in the bazaar. Suddenly, a beggar ran up to him and said, “Hodja, Hodja! Have you seen the people carrying those five big trays full of baklava? I would love to have some of that!” Hodja said to the beggar, “That is none of my business.” Then, the beggar said, “But, it looked like they were taking it to your house.” So, Hodja said, “In that case, it is none of your business.”
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The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin
The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin
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The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin
Hodja Nasreddin once got invited to a wedding. He went there in casual clothes, but people mostly ignored him. And he could not get a seat at the table with the food. He ran back to his house, and he put on his most expensive fur coat. Then, Hodja returned to the wedding. This time, everyone treated him so nicely, and they had him sit at the center of the dining table. Suddenly to everyone’s surprise, Hodja started dipping his fur coat into the soup. He said, “Here, fur coat. Have the soup. It must be for you. Because when I came here without you, I was not treated well at all.”
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The story of "The Stories of Hodja Nasreddin"