The Tortoise and the Deer

『カメとシカ』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Tortoise and the Deer” の絵本

The Tortoise and the Deer
The Tortoise and the Deer
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The Tortoise and the Deer
One day long ago, a Tortoise met a Deer in the forest. The Tortoise said, “Let us walk together for a while. We can talk and have a good day.” But the Deer said to the Tortoise, “I do not want to walk with you because you are too slow.”
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Page 2

The Tortoise and the Deer
The Tortoise said, “I am not slow! Meet me here in three days. We will race across the Seven Mountains.” When the Deer went away, the Tortoise went to the first mountain as fast as he could go. The Tortoise really was very slow, but he was clever.
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The Tortoise and the Deer
The Tortoise had cousins on all Seven Mountains. He told his cousins about the race. He said, “When the Deer comes to your mountain, pretend to be me.” On the day of the race, the Tortoise and the Deer were ready. A Monkey yelled, “Ready! Set! Go!” And the Deer ran very fast. But the Tortoise was very slow.
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The Tortoise and the Deer
When the Deer reached the first mountain, he laughed. Then, a Tortoise said, “Why are you laughing? I am winning!” The Deer was shocked, and he ran again! The Deer reached the second mountain, and he saw a Tortoise. He went to the third and fourth mountains; he saw Tortoises there, too.
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The Tortoise and the Deer
Finally, the Deer had run across the Seven Mountains. When he reached the goal, he saw a Tortoise there. The Deer was embarrassed, and he ran into the forest. The Deer did not see the trick because he did not use his eyes. Did you use your eyes? Each Tortoise is a little bit different!
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The Tortoise and the Deer
The Tortoise and the Deer
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Page 7

The Tortoise and the Deer
One day long ago, a Tortoise met a Deer in the forest. The Tortoise said, “Let us walk together for a while. We can talk and have a good day.” But the Deer said to the Tortoise, “I do not want to walk with you because you are too slow.”
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The story of "The Tortoise and the Deer"