Beauty And The Beast

『美女と野獣』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Beauty and The Beast” の絵本

Beauty And The Beast
Beauty And The Beast
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Page 1

Beauty And The Beast
Once upon a time, there was a merchant. He had a beautiful and intelligent daughter. Her name was Beauty.
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Page 2

Beauty And The Beast
The merchant planned to go to another town to sell his goods. "Father,” said Beauty. “Please bring me a beautiful rose.”
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Page 3

Beauty And The Beast
On his way home, the merchant found a big red rose in the garden of a beautiful castle. He picked the rose.
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Page 4

Beauty And The Beast
Suddenly, a Beast came and said. "This is my castle! You are a thief!” The Beast took the merchant and put him in the dungeon.
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Page 5

Beauty And The Beast
Beauty found her father in the castle. She told the Beast, “I will be your prisoner. Please let my father go!" The Beast agreed.
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Page 6

Beauty And The Beast
The Beast was very kind to Beauty, but she missed her family. She cried often. The Beast said, “You can see your family. But you must return in one week.”
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Page 7

Beauty And The Beast
The Beast gave Beauty a magic mirror. He wanted to watch her while she was away.
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Page 8

Beauty And The Beast
One day, Beauty asked the mirror, “Where is the Beast now?” The mirror showed the Beast. He was very sad and lonely.
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Page 9

Beauty And The Beast
The girl quickly went back to the castle. “I saw you in the mirror,” she said. "I missed you,” said the Beast.
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Page 10

Beauty And The Beast
Beauty’s tears touched the Beast's face, and he became a handsome Prince. He said, "Your love has made me human again!" They got married and lived happily ever after.
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Page 11

Beauty And The Beast
Beauty And The Beast
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Page 12

Beauty And The Beast
Once upon a time, there was a merchant. He had a beautiful and intelligent daughter. Her name was Beauty.
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Page 13

Beauty And The Beast
The merchant planned to go to another town to sell his goods. "Father,” said Beauty. “Please bring me a beautiful rose.”
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Page 14

Beauty And The Beast
On his way home, the merchant found a big red rose in the garden of a beautiful castle. He picked the rose.
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The story of "Beauty And The Beast"