Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon

『キツネとモグラが月に手を伸ばす』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon” の絵本

Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Once upon a time, high in the Andes Mountains, there lived a fox. Fox was very clever and cunning. He had a friend named Mole. Mole was not clever. Mole was not cunning.
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Mole just liked to be underground eating worms. One night, Mole and Fox were looking up at the big, bright moon. “Look how bright and beautiful the moon is,” said Fox. “But it is so far away,” said Mole. “The moon is covered in worms,” said Fox. "We should go there.” “But it is so far away,” said Mole. “We can climb something and get there, I am sure,” said Fox.
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Fox convinced Mole to go to the moon with him. Mole was thinking about all the worms he could eat there. So Fox and Mole made a rope. It was a very long rope. They tried to tie the rope around the moon but it did not reach.
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Soon, a bear came along. “Can you help us reach the moon?” asked Fox. “Sure,” said Bear. Fox and Mole gave the rope to Bear. Bear climbed the tallest tree he could see. From the top of the tree he tried to tie the rope around the moon. But Bear could not reach the moon.
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Soon, a llama came along. “Can you help us reach the moon?” asked Fox. “Sure,” said Llama. Llama took the rope and climbed high on the mountain. But Llama could not reach the moon.
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Soon, a condor came along. “Can you help us reach the moon?” asked Fox. “Sure,” said Condor. He took the rope in his big beak and flew to the moon. He tied the rope to the moon. Condor could reach the moon!
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
“Thank you,” said Fox. “Come on, Mole. Let’s climb to the moon.” Fox and Mole began to climb the rope. They climbed and climbed. The rope went very high into the night sky.
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Fox and Mole climbed higher and higher. Then, suddenly Mole fell off the rope. Mole fell and fell, twisting and turning on the way down. He landed back on the ground with a big bump. Mole was dizzy. He quickly went underground and found a juicy worm.
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Fox kept climbing. He climbed until he reached the moon. He liked the moon and he was happy there. Fox decided to stay there. Fox still lives happily in the moon. If you look closely at the moon when it is bright, you might see Fox smiling there.
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Once upon a time, high in the Andes Mountains, there lived a fox. Fox was very clever and cunning. He had a friend named Mole. Mole was not clever. Mole was not cunning.
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Mole just liked to be underground eating worms. One night, Mole and Fox were looking up at the big, bright moon. “Look how bright and beautiful the moon is,” said Fox. “But it is so far away,” said Mole. “The moon is covered in worms,” said Fox. "We should go there.” “But it is so far away,” said Mole. “We can climb something and get there, I am sure,” said Fox.
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Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon
Fox convinced Mole to go to the moon with him. Mole was thinking about all the worms he could eat there. So Fox and Mole made a rope. It was a very long rope. They tried to tie the rope around the moon but it did not reach.
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The story of "Fox And Mole Reach For The Moon"