Heungbu And Nolbu

『フンブとノルブ』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Heungbu And Nolbu” の絵本

Heungbu And Nolbu
Heungbu And Nolbu
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Page 1

Heungbu And Nolbu
Once upon a time there were two brothers, Nolbu and Heungbu. They were very different.
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Page 2

Heungbu And Nolbu
Nolbu was rich, and he was also very greedy. Heungbu was poor, but he was generous.
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Page 3

Heungbu And Nolbu
One day, Heungbu found a little sparrow with a broken leg.
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Heungbu And Nolbu
Heungbu helped the sparrow. He took it to his house. Soon, the sparrow got better and flew away.
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Page 5

Heungbu And Nolbu
A few days later, the sparrow returned. It brought three seeds to Heungbu. He planted the seeds, and they became a gourd.
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Page 6

Heungbu And Nolbu
Heungbu watered the gourd every day. He took good care of it. When it was ripe, he cut it open. It was full of gold coins!
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Page 7

Heungbu And Nolbu
Heungbu told Nolbu the story. Nolbu was greedy, so he wanted a golden gourd too.
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Page 8

Heungbu And Nolbu
Nolbu went into the woods, and he found a sparrow. He grabbed the sparrow, and he broke its leg!
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Page 9

Heungbu And Nolbu
The poor sparrow ran away. But it returned, and it gave three seeds to Nolbu.
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Page 10

Heungbu And Nolbu
Nolbu planted the seeds, but he did not take care of them. The gourd grew anyway. Before it was ripe, Nolbu cut it open, and a monster came out! "This is what you get for being greedy," the monster roared. And Nolbu ran away.
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Page 11

Heungbu And Nolbu
Heungbu And Nolbu
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Page 12

Heungbu And Nolbu
Once upon a time there were two brothers, Nolbu and Heungbu. They were very different.
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Page 13

Heungbu And Nolbu
Nolbu was rich, and he was also very greedy. Heungbu was poor, but he was generous.
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Page 14

Heungbu And Nolbu
One day, Heungbu found a little sparrow with a broken leg.
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The story of "Heungbu And Nolbu"