Jamie Freel And The Elves

『ジェイミー・フリーとエルフ』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Jamie Freel And The Elves” の絵本

Jamie Freel And The Elves
Jamie Freel And The Elves
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Page 1

Jamie Freel And The Elves
Once upon a time, there was a man named Jamie Freel. He was strong, and he worked hard. But he was very poor.
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Page 2

Jamie Freel And The Elves
Jamie told his mother, “I am going to the Elves’ castle. I will find my fortune there.” That night, he went to the castle. All of the elves were singing and dancing.
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Page 3

Jamie Freel And The Elves
When the elves saw Jamie, they invited him into their castle. Jamie sang and danced with the elves. Then, Jamie saw a beautiful woman. She looked sad.
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Page 4

Jamie Freel And The Elves
Jamie spoke to the woman, and all of the elves became quiet. They stopped singing and dancing. The elves became angry.
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Page 5

Jamie Freel And The Elves
The woman wanted to say something to Jamie. But before she could speak, an elf cast a spell on her. Because of the magic, the woman could not speak.
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Page 6

Jamie Freel And The Elves
Jamie grabbed the woman by her arm, and started running to the gate of the castle. The elves could not stop Jamie. Because they could not go outside in the sunlight; they could only leave their castle at night.
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Page 7

Jamie Freel And The Elves
Jamie ran home with the woman. When he reached his house, he remembered that he had a cup in his hand; it was from the castle. Jamie gave the cup to the woman.
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Jamie Freel And The Elves
When the woman drank from the cup, she could speak again. She told Jamie, “The elves had taken me from my father’s house. Thank you for saving me.”
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Jamie Freel And The Elves
The next day, Jamie took the woman to her home. The woman’s father and mother were very happy to see her again.
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Page 10

Jamie Freel And The Elves
Jamie and the woman fell in love, and they got married. They lived happily together for the rest of their lives.
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Page 11

Jamie Freel And The Elves
Jamie Freel And The Elves
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Page 12

Jamie Freel And The Elves
Once upon a time, there was a man named Jamie Freel. He was strong, and he worked hard. But he was very poor.
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Page 13

Jamie Freel And The Elves
Jamie told his mother, “I am going to the Elves’ castle. I will find my fortune there.” That night, he went to the castle. All of the elves were singing and dancing.
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Page 14

Jamie Freel And The Elves
When the elves saw Jamie, they invited him into their castle. Jamie sang and danced with the elves. Then, Jamie saw a beautiful woman. She looked sad.
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The story of "Jamie Freel And The Elves"