King Richard And The Fairy

『リチャード王と妖精』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “King Richard And The Fairy” の絵本

King Richard And The Fairy
King Richard And The Fairy
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King Richard And The Fairy
Once upon a time, there was a man named Richard. He was a king. His friend was also king, but King Richard’s friend was king of the elves. The elf king’s name was King Finvarra.
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Page 2

King Richard And The Fairy
King Richard got married. His queen’s name was Ethna. One day, King Finvarra saw Queen Ethna. He thought she was beautiful, so he took her to his castle.
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King Richard And The Fairy
King Richard searched everywhere for his wife. He talked to King Finvarra. King Richard asked, “Do you know where Queen Ethna is?” King Finvarra lied. He said, “I do not know.”
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Page 4

King Richard And The Fairy
One day, King Richard was riding his horse. He was searching for Queen Ethna. Suddenly, he saw a small fairy flying beside him. The fairy said, “The elves are not your friends!”
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Page 5

King Richard And The Fairy
King Richard knew that King Finvarra had taken Queen Ethna. And he knew that King Finvarra had lied to him. King Richard took his army to fight King Finvarra.
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King Richard And The Fairy
King Richard’s army attacked the elf castle for three days. But the elf castle was very strong. King Richard’s army could not even break a window.
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King Richard And The Fairy
The fairy came to King Richard again. She said, “In darkness, the walls will fall.”
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King Richard And The Fairy
The next day, King Richard’s army did not attack the castle. They waited, and waited. Then, at night, King Richard yelled to his army, “Attack the castle now!”
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King Richard And The Fairy
King Richard’s army was ready to attack the castle. But suddenly, King Finvarra came out. Queen Ethna was with him. King Finvarra forced Queen Ethna to talk to King Richard. Queen Ethna said “Please, do not attack this castle!”
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Page 10

King Richard And The Fairy
Later, with the fairy’s help, King Richard was able to save Queen Ethna. He took her back to his castle, and they lived happily ever after.
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King Richard And The Fairy
King Richard And The Fairy
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Page 12

King Richard And The Fairy
Once upon a time, there was a man named Richard. He was a king. His friend was also king, but King Richard’s friend was king of the elves. The elf king’s name was King Finvarra.
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Page 13

King Richard And The Fairy
King Richard got married. His queen’s name was Ethna. One day, King Finvarra saw Queen Ethna. He thought she was beautiful, so he took her to his castle.
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Page 14

King Richard And The Fairy
King Richard searched everywhere for his wife. He talked to King Finvarra. King Richard asked, “Do you know where Queen Ethna is?” King Finvarra lied. He said, “I do not know.”
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The story of "King Richard And The Fairy"