Old Salt Woman

『塩の老婆』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Old Salt Woman” の絵本

Old Salt Woman
Old Salt Woman
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Page 1

Old Salt Woman
There was a time, long, long ago, when people did not put salt in their food. Old Salt Woman was hungry and very poor.
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Page 2

Old Salt Woman
She would go from village to village asking for food, but no one would give her any.
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Page 3

Old Salt Woman
Finally she came to one small village. The people looked happy. Children were playing and laughing. But the villagers would not give her food.
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Page 4

Old Salt Woman
She showed them a giant salt crystal. The people of the village were amazed. What could it be? They followed her out of the village asking, “What is it?”
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Page 5

Old Salt Woman
Old Salt Woman turned them all into jaybirds.
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Page 6

Old Salt Woman
In the next village, the people also were poor but they were to kind to Old Salt Woman. They shared their food with her.
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Page 7

Old Salt Woman
“I am grateful for your kindness,” she said. She gave them some of her crystals and told them to put the crystals on their bread and meat. They did and their food tasted better.
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Page 8

Old Salt Woman
“I am going to the southeast,” she said. “Whenever you need more of my crystals come and find me.”
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Page 9

Old Salt Woman
She left the village and went to Salt Lake. The Cochiti Indians always go there to gather salt.
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Page 10

Old Salt Woman
Old Salt Woman
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Page 11

Old Salt Woman
There was a time, long, long ago, when people did not put salt in their food. Old Salt Woman was hungry and very poor.
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Page 12

Old Salt Woman
She would go from village to village asking for food, but no one would give her any.
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Page 13

Old Salt Woman
Finally she came to one small village. The people looked happy. Children were playing and laughing. But the villagers would not give her food.
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The story of "Old Salt Woman"