The Bear Prince

『クマの王子様』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Bear Prince” の絵本

The Bear Prince
The Bear Prince
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Page 1

The Bear Prince
Once upon a time, there was a Bear. He protected the forest.
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Page 2

The Bear Prince
One day, a Wood Cutter came to cut down a tree.
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Page 3

The Bear Prince
The Bear saw the Wood Cutter. He roared, “Stop!” Then the Bear said to the Wood Cutter, “You tried to take a tree from my forest. Now, you must give your daughter to me!”
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Page 4

The Bear Prince
Sadly, the Wood Cutter gave his daughter to the Bear. Her name was Sophia. She was very sad because she had to go with the Bear.
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Page 5

The Bear Prince
When the Bear and Sophia went into the Bear’s cave, he suddenly became a prince. He said, “I am actually a prince but every morning I turn into a bear until the evening.” He continued, "You should promise that you never touch me."
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Page 6

The Bear Prince
Sophia promised not to touch him. Later, Sophia thought, “If I tie him while he is sleeping, he will not become a bear again.” Then, Sophia tied the prince with her belt.
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Page 7

The Bear Prince
But it did not work. In the morning, the prince became a bear again. He said, "You broke your promise. I can only be human again if you pass the dangerous valley by yourself."
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Page 8

The Bear Prince
Sophia realized her mistake, but it was too late. She was alone in the dark and dangerous valley. She did not know what to do.
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Page 9

The Bear Prince
As she was walking through the valley, a castle emerged in the distance. She ran faster and faster until she got there.
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Page 10

The Bear Prince
When she got to the castle, she found the Prince standing there waiting for her. Since Sophia passed the dangerous valley, the Prince was no longer a bear. They got married and lived happily ever after.
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Page 11

The Bear Prince
The Bear Prince
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Page 12

The Bear Prince
Once upon a time, there was a Bear. He protected the forest.
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Page 13

The Bear Prince
One day, a Wood Cutter came to cut down a tree.
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Page 14

The Bear Prince
The Bear saw the Wood Cutter. He roared, “Stop!” Then the Bear said to the Wood Cutter, “You tried to take a tree from my forest. Now, you must give your daughter to me!”
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Pause button

The story of "The Bear Prince"