『ガチョウと黄金の卵』 子供のためのオーディオブック
英語で読める “The Goose With The Golden Eggs” の絵本

The Goose With The Golden Eggs

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Once upon a time, there was a Farmer who did not like to work.

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One day, he went to check on his Goose. In the nest, he saw a golden egg!

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The egg was very large and sparkling. It was solid gold!

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The Farmer carried the egg to his house. It was very heavy, so he knew it was worth a lot of money.

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The next morning, he found another golden egg in the same spot!

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Each day, the Farmer found one more golden egg in the nest.

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The farmer wanted more eggs because he did not want to work anymore.

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He thought, “How can I get many eggs at once?” He had an idea. He decided to give the Goose a lot more food to make her lay more eggs.

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The next day, he went to the Goose’s nest. But he did not see any eggs. Instead, he found that the Goose was sick! She ate all the food the farmer gave her and she got sick.

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The Farmer had been too greedy. After that, the Goose never gave him another golden egg.

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The Goose With The Golden Eggs

Page 12

Once upon a time, there was a Farmer who did not like to work.

Page 13

One day, he went to check on his Goose. In the nest, he saw a golden egg!

Page 14

The egg was very large and sparkling. It was solid gold!