
『カタリネッタ』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Cattarinetta” の絵本

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Cattarinetta lived with her mother long ago. One day, her mother wanted to bake a cake. She told Cattarinetta to go to her Aunt’s house to borrow a pan.
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Cattarinetta was afraid because her Aunt was a witch. Cattarinetta’s mother said, “Later, we will give your Aunt a piece of cake. If we give cake to her, she will help us.”
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Cattarinetta went to her Aunt’s house, and she borrowed the pan. When she returned, her mother baked the cake. She put a piece in the pan. She said, “Take this cake to your Aunt.”
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Cattarinetta walked through the forest with the cake. She got hungry. She said, “My Aunt will not notice if I take one tiny bite.” So she took one tiny bite. And another. And another!
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When Cattarinetta was near her Aunt’s house, she noticed that she had eaten all of the cake! To hide her greed, she found some mud. She made the mud look like a piece of cake.
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Cattarinetta’s Aunt asked, “Is this my cake?” Cattarinetta said “Yes, it is.” Then, she gave the pan to her Aunt, and she quickly ran home.
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Cattarinetta ran straight to her room, and she hid under her covers.
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That night, Cattarinetta heard a voice. Her Aunt was right outside the house. She said, “Cattarinetta, you greedy little girl. You ate all of my cake. I am coming to eat you!”
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Cattarinetta’s Aunt spoke again. She was outside the bedroom door. She said, “Cattarinetta, you little liar. You gave me mud to eat, but you said it was cake. Now, I will eat you!”
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Cattarinetta had taken something that was not hers. And she had lied. After that, nobody ever saw Cattarinetta again.
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Cattarinetta lived with her mother long ago. One day, her mother wanted to bake a cake. She told Cattarinetta to go to her Aunt’s house to borrow a pan.
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Page 13

Cattarinetta was afraid because her Aunt was a witch. Cattarinetta’s mother said, “Later, we will give your Aunt a piece of cake. If we give cake to her, she will help us.”
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Page 14

Cattarinetta went to her Aunt’s house, and she borrowed the pan. When she returned, her mother baked the cake. She put a piece in the pan. She said, “Take this cake to your Aunt.”
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The story of "Cattarinetta"