Gulliver’s Adventures

『ガリバーのぼうけん』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Gulliver’s Adventures” の絵本

Gulliver's Adventures
Gulliver's Adventures
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Page 1

Gulliver's Adventures
Once upon a time, there was a sailor named Gulliver. One day, he was sailing. Suddenly, there was a big storm. Gulliver’s ship began to sink!
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Page 2

Gulliver's Adventures
Gulliver jumped out of the ship, and he swam to an island. When he reached the shore, was very tired. He fell asleep on the sand.
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Page 3

Gulliver's Adventures
The next morning, he woke up. He tried to stand, but he could not move. He was tied to the ground with a lot of ropes!
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Page 4

Gulliver's Adventures
Gulliver looked around. Then, he saw many very small people. They were tying him down!
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Page 5

Gulliver's Adventures
Gulliver used all of his strength to stand up. The little people were very scared. Gulliver said, "I will not hurt you!" Then, he saw a little house on fire. Gulliver put out the fire with a giant breath. Then, the little people became Gulliver’s friends.
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Page 6

Gulliver's Adventures
But there was a problem. Gulliver was a giant who liked eating. And the little people only had little food. Gulliver ate all of their food!
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Page 7

Gulliver's Adventures
This made the little people very mad, and they chased Gulliver to the shore. Gulliver had to jump in the sea and swim away.
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Page 8

Gulliver's Adventures
Gulliver swam and swam. Finally, he reached a town full of giants! Two giants found Gulliver. They gave him to the Queen. Gulliver was like a doll, and he became the Queen’s toy.
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Page 9

Gulliver's Adventures
Gulliver was hungry again, but now he had a new problem. He was too little. The forks and spoons were too heavy. And the food was too big to eat. He had to escape!
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Page 10

Gulliver's Adventures
One day, Gulliver hid in an eagle's nest. When the eagle flew away, Gulliver rode on its back. Finally, he returned home, and he told everyone about his adventures.
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Page 11

Gulliver's Adventures
Gulliver's Adventures
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Page 12

Gulliver's Adventures
Once upon a time, there was a sailor named Gulliver. One day, he was sailing. Suddenly, there was a big storm. Gulliver’s ship began to sink!
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Page 13

Gulliver's Adventures
Gulliver jumped out of the ship, and he swam to an island. When he reached the shore, was very tired. He fell asleep on the sand.
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Page 14

Gulliver's Adventures
The next morning, he woke up. He tried to stand, but he could not move. He was tied to the ground with a lot of ropes!
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The story of "Gulliver's Adventures"