
『ニャムゴンド』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Nyamghondho” の絵本

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Long ago, there was a young fisherman named Nyamghondho. He lived near the sea, and he had a small boat for fishing. He took his boat out onto the sea every morning, and he always fished until the evening.
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Page 2

Nyamghondho was a good man, and everyone in the village liked him. But he was not lucky, and he did not catch many fish to sell in the market. He was poor, but he worked hard, and he always looked at the bright side of things.
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Page 3

There was one time in Nyamghondho’s life when he was especially unlucky. One morning, he took his boat out to sea, but he did not catch any fish. And when he returned home that night, he did not have any fish to sell or eat!
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The next morning, Nyamghondho woke up. He was very hungry. He thought, “I am sure I will catch some fish today!” Although he was hungry, he smiled as he took his boat out to sea.
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Again, Nyamghondho did not catch any fish. He stayed out on the sea all day. And when evening came, he did not return home. He kept fishing for a few hours longer, even after the sky became so dark that Nyamghondho could hardly see.
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Page 6

The third morning came, and Nyamghondho was very weak from hunger. But he got out of bed, and he got ready to work. He said to himself, “I am a fisherman, so I must fish.” Then, Nyamghondho went to the shore and took his boat out to sea.
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Page 7

Nyamghondho grew hungrier and weaker under the hot sun. Then, he felt a tug on his fishing line! He carefully pulled in the line. He did not want the fish to get away. Finally, the fish was in his boat. It was tiny, but Nyamghondho looked forward to eating it.
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The story of "Nyamghondho"