
『タランダンド』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Tarandando” の絵本

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Long ago, there was a mother. She had a beautiful daughter, but the daughter was lazy. The mother was worried because she knew that no man would marry a lazy girl.
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One day, the tricky mother had an idea. She bought a giant pile of yarn, and she bought a spinning wheel. She put the yarn and the spinning wheel in front of her house.
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Later, a prince rode by. The daughter sat down and pretended to work. Then, the mother begged her daughter to stop. She said, “Please stop spinning. Please rest!”
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The prince asked the mother, “Why do you want her to stop spinning?” The mother said, “She has been spinning all day. She loves spinning. She will not stop!”
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The prince said, “I want a hard-working wife. If she will marry me, I will take her to my castle.” The daughter happily married the prince, and they went to his castle.
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The prince put the daughter in a room with a spinning wheel. Next to the wheel was a giant pile of wool. The prince said, “You must spin all this wool before I return.”
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The daughter was very sad. She did not want to work because she was lazy. She wished her mother had not tricked the prince. Suddenly, a dwarf appeared.
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The dwarf said, “I will spin the wool for you. Your prince will think you did it. Then, I will come back, and you must guess my name. If you cannot guess, I will take you away!
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The dwarf spun all of the wool into yarn, then he disappeared. When the prince returned, he was very happy. He said, “Tomorrow, I will give you even more wool!”
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The prince told the daughter about a strange thing he saw. He said, “I saw a dancing dwarf. And he said to an imp, “She will never guess that my name is Tarandando!”
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The story of "Tarandando"