The Dog And The Cat

『いぬとねこ』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Dog And The Cat” の絵本

The Dog And The Cat
The Dog And The Cat
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The Dog And The Cat
Once there was a man. He had a dog and a cat. He also had a lucky ring. Because of the ring, the man was rich. One night, a robber took the ring.
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The Dog And The Cat
Without the ring, the man did not have good luck. Soon, he became poor. The dog said to the cat, “We must get the ring back!” That night, the cat and the dog went to get the lucky ring. But there was a river. The cat said, “I cannot swim! I will wait here.” So, the dog swam across the cold water.
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The Dog And The Cat
The dog went into the robber’s house, and he got the lucky ring. But the robber chased the dog. But the dog ran as fast as he could, and he got away. Then, the dog had to swim across the cold river again.
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The Dog And The Cat
The dog was very tired. The cat said, “I can help you. Let me carry the lucky ring.” So the dog gave the lucky ring to the cat. The cat took the lucky ring, and ran to the man’s house. When the man saw the cat, he was very happy. The cat gave the man his lucky ring.
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The Dog And The Cat
The dog was very tired. When he got home, he went to sleep. The man was angry. He said, “You are a lazy dog! Go sleep outside! You did not bring back my lucky ring." So the cat tricked the dog. And the cat tricked the man. And that is why dogs do not like cats.
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The Dog And The Cat
The Dog And The Cat
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The Dog And The Cat
Once there was a man. He had a dog and a cat. He also had a lucky ring. Because of the ring, the man was rich. One night, a robber took the ring.
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The story of "The Dog And The Cat"