The Fairy’s Gift

『ようせいのおくりもの』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Fairy’s Gift” の絵本

The Fairy’s Gift
The Fairy’s Gift
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Page 1

The Fairy’s Gift
Many years ago, there was a young man. He was walking in the forest. Suddenly, he heard music. He followed the sound of the music.
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Page 2

The Fairy’s Gift
Deep in the forest, the young man found a round clearing. In the clearing, he saw some beautiful women dancing.
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Page 3

The Fairy’s Gift
One of the women saw the young man. She came to him, and she took his hand. The young man went with her into the middle of the clearing.
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Page 4

The Fairy’s Gift
All of the women danced in circles around the young man. Then, one of the women gave the young man a beautiful cup.
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The Fairy’s Gift
The woman said, “Drink from the cup.” The young man looked inside the cup. The liquid was black! The young man said, “I will not drink this.”
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Page 6

The Fairy’s Gift
The woman said to the young man, “Give the cup back to me.” But the young man held the cup. He said, “I will not give this back to you.”
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Page 7

The Fairy’s Gift
All of the women tried to take the cup from the young man. But he ran, and he held on tightly to the cup.
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Page 8

The Fairy’s Gift
One of the women said, “Give me the cup. I will make you strong. You will be as strong as twelve men!” So, the young man gave the cup to the woman. Suddenly, he felt very strong!
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Page 9

The Fairy’s Gift
The man went to a town, and he began to work. Because he was very strong, he could work very hard. He earned a lot of money.
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Page 10

The Fairy’s Gift
When he became as strong as twelve men, there was a problem. He became as hungry as twelve men, too! He could not get rich because he spent all of his money on food!
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Page 11

The Fairy’s Gift
The Fairy’s Gift
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Page 12

The Fairy’s Gift
Many years ago, there was a young man. He was walking in the forest. Suddenly, he heard music. He followed the sound of the music.
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Page 13

The Fairy’s Gift
Deep in the forest, the young man found a round clearing. In the clearing, he saw some beautiful women dancing.
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Page 14

The Fairy’s Gift
One of the women saw the young man. She came to him, and she took his hand. The young man went with her into the middle of the clearing.
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The story of "The Fairy’s Gift"