The Flamingo’s Socks

『フラミンゴのくつした』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Flamingo’s Socks” の絵本

The Flamingo's Socks
The Flamingo's Socks
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The Flamingo's Socks
There was going to be a grand ball in the forest. The ball was the biggest event of the year. All the animals were very excited. As they ran around getting ready they chattered about what they would wear.
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Page 2

The Flamingo's Socks
There was going to be a grand ball in the forest. The ball was the biggest event of the year. All the animals were very excited. As they ran around getting ready they chattered about what they would wear.
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The Flamingo's Socks
Only the flamingos were not happy. They didn’t like any outfit at all. They could not find anything to suit them. Everything made them feel gangly.
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Page 4

The Flamingo's Socks
Desperately they went to Owl’s house. Owl took one look at them and designed for them a pair of black and white striped trousers. The flamingos looked so smart, so chic. The flamingos were happy and excited.
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Page 5

The Flamingo's Socks
That night, at the ball, everyone admired their fabulous trousers. Everyone, that is, except the coral snakes. The coral snakes were worried because the flamingos’ trousers were made from snake skin.
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Page 6

The Flamingo's Socks
The snakes went to the flamingos and tried to talk to them. “Flamingos,” said the snakes, “ your trousers look beautiful, but they are made of snake skin, that really worries us.”
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Page 7

The Flamingo's Socks
But the flamingos were very proud of how they looked in their fine black and white striped trousers. They lifted their heads arrogantly and said ‘ our trousers are quite the best outfit at the ball, we will be the talk of the forest for months to come. Leave us alone.”
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The Flamingo's Socks
Well this made the snakes angry, because they had spoken to the flamingos very politely. So they slithered up to the flamingos and bit them hard on the legs. Seconds later the flamingos legs were hot and itchy and their fine black and white striped trousers looked like red socks.
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Page 9

The Flamingo's Socks
They tried scratching their legs with their long beaks but still their legs itched. They ran to the lake as fast as they could and waded in. The cool water of the lake eased their itching.
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Page 10

The Flamingo's Socks
To this day flamingos don’t like to come out of the lake because only the cool water can stop the itching. Their legs are still red and their feathers are pink from the bites of the angry snakes.
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The Flamingo's Socks
The Flamingo's Socks
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Page 12

The Flamingo's Socks
There was going to be a grand ball in the forest. The ball was the biggest event of the year. All the animals were very excited. As they ran around getting ready they chattered about what they would wear.
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Page 13

The Flamingo's Socks
There was going to be a grand ball in the forest. The ball was the biggest event of the year. All the animals were very excited. As they ran around getting ready they chattered about what they would wear.
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Page 14

The Flamingo's Socks
Only the flamingos were not happy. They didn’t like any outfit at all. They could not find anything to suit them. Everything made them feel gangly.
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The story of "The Flamingo's Socks"