『ゴールデンスターフルーツのき 2』 子供のためのオーディオブック
英語で読める “The Golden Star Fruit Tree 2” の絵本

The Golden Star Fruit Tree

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Once upon a time, there were two brothers. One brother was rich and greedy. The other brother was poor, but he was kind.

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The poor brother had a fruit tree. He sold the fruit in the market.

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One day, a crow came and ate all of the fruit. The poor man said, “Mr. Crow! You ate my fruit. Now, I have nothing to sell at the market.”

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The Crow said, “Do not worry. I will give you gold. Bring a small bag, and come with me.” The poor man got a small bag. Then, he climbed onto the Crow’s back.

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The Crow took the poor man to a forgotten city. The city was full of gold! The poor man filled his small bag with gold, and the Crow brought him home.

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The poor man did not take much gold. But he had enough. He was not rich, but he was not poor. The man’s greedy brother asked, “Where did you find the gold?”

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The man told his greedy brother about the crow. Later, the greedy brother took the fruit tree. When the Crow came, the greedy brother said, “Do not eat my fruit!”