『ハンターとどうぶつたち』 子供のためのオーディオブック
英語で読める “The Hunter and the Animals” の絵本
The Hunter and the Animals

Page 1
Long, long ago, a lion was chasing a man. The lion wanted to eat the man, and the man was running away.

Page 2
Suddenly, both the man and the lion fell into a trap. Inside the trap was a mouse and a snake.

Page 3
The snake was still trying to catch the mouse, and the mouse was running around inside the trap. The lion saw this and told the snake to stop.

Page 4
The lion said to everyone, “We must all try to escape from this trap. Although we are enemies when we are outside the trap, now we are all in the same trouble.”

Page 5
The animals tried to think of ways to escape. But the man did not help them. He just sat at the back of the trap, and he waited.

Page 6
Then, a hunter passed by the trap. All of the animals called to him for help. The hunter rescued all of the animals from the trap.

Page 7
The animals warned the hunter about the man in the trap. They told the hunter that the man was evil. But the hunter rescued the evil man, too.

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All of the animals gave gifts to the hunter. The lion gave the hunter meat. The mouse gave the hunter a necklace. And the snake promised to help the hunter.

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The evil man did not give a gift to the hunter. He saw the necklace that the mouse had given. He knew that it belonged to the queen.

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The evil man told the king about the necklace. He said the hunter had stolen it! The king arrested the hunter, and he gave the evil man a reward.

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While the hunter was in jail, the snake visited him. The snake gave the hunter a bottle of medicine.

Page 12
The snake said, “I will bite the king. The medicine that I gave you will cure him. After the king is bitten, tell the guards that you can save him.”

Page 13
The snake bit the king. When the hunter said that he could save the king, he was brought from the prison. Then, he gave the medicine to the king.

Page 14
The king said to the hunter, “You stole my wife’s necklace, but you saved my life. Why?” The hunter said, “I did not steal the necklace. It was given to me.”

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The hunter said, “I did not know it was your wife’s necklace. The evil man lied to you.” So the hunter was free, and the evil man was put in jail for lying to the king.

Page 16
The Hunter and the Animals

Page 17
Long, long ago, a lion was chasing a man. The lion wanted to eat the man, and the man was running away.

Page 18
Suddenly, both the man and the lion fell into a trap. Inside the trap was a mouse and a snake.

Page 19
The snake was still trying to catch the mouse, and the mouse was running around inside the trap. The lion saw this and told the snake to stop.

Page 20
The lion said to everyone, “We must all try to escape from this trap. Although we are enemies when we are outside the trap, now we are all in the same trouble.”

Page 21
The animals tried to think of ways to escape. But the man did not help them. He just sat at the back of the trap, and he waited.