The Man, the Bear, and the Fox

『おとことくまときつね』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Man, the Bear, and the Fox” の絵本

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
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Page 1

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
Once, there was a man named Eric. He was riding in a cart through the forest. He was carrying a lot of firewood to keep his house warm in Winter. Suddenly, Eric saw a Bear.
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Page 2

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
Eric told the Fox to wait. He said, “I will find a good sheep, and I will bring him to you in a bag.” But, Eric did not put a sheep in the bag; he put a dog in the bag!
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Page 3

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
The Bear said, “Give me your horse to eat, or I will kill you and the horse.” Eric said, “I cannot give him to you now. I must take home this wood. I will bring the horse tomorrow.”
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Page 4

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
Eric and his horse were safe. The Fox came down from the rocks. Eric and the Fox walked together to Eric’s house.
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Page 5

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
The Bear said, “OK. I will wait until tomorrow. But if you do not come, I will go to your house. I will kill you, your horse, and all of your sheep.”
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Page 6

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
Later, Eric saw a Fox. The Fox said, “You cannot trust that Bear. He will break his promise.” Eric said, “I know.” Then, the Fox said, “I will help. But you must give me a sheep.”
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Page 7

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
The voice said, “Is that a Bear next to you?” And Eric said, “Yes, it is.” Then, the voice said, “Oh! I will use my arrow to kill the Bear!” And then, the frightened Bear ran away!
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Page 8

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
The Fox said, “Tomorrow, you will meet the Bear. I will hide in those rocks, and I will say hello to you. Then, you will tell the Bear that I am Peter the Bear Hunter.”
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Page 9

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
The next day, Eric took his horse to the Bear. Then, there was a voice from the rocks. “Hello, Eric!” The Bear asked, “Who is that?” Eric said, “It is Peter the Bear Hunter.”
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Page 10

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
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Page 11

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
Once, there was a man named Eric. He was riding in a cart through the forest. He was carrying a lot of firewood to keep his house warm in Winter. Suddenly, Eric saw a Bear.
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Page 12

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
Eric told the Fox to wait. He said, “I will find a good sheep, and I will bring him to you in a bag.” But, Eric did not put a sheep in the bag; he put a dog in the bag!
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Page 13

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
The Bear said, “Give me your horse to eat, or I will kill you and the horse.” Eric said, “I cannot give him to you now. I must take home this wood. I will bring the horse tomorrow.”
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Page 14

The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
Eric and his horse were safe. The Fox came down from the rocks. Eric and the Fox walked together to Eric’s house.
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The story of "The Man, the Bear, and the Fox"