The Oil Thieves

『あぶらどろぼう』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Oil Thieves” の絵本

The Oil Thieves
The Oil Thieves
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Page 1

The Oil Thieves
Once there were two sheep. One said, “What shall we do today?” The other said, “Let’s take the evil magician’s magic oil. He only uses it for bad magic.”
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Page 2

The Oil Thieves
The first sheep said, “That is a good idea. Let’s go!” Soon, they met a cat. The first sheep said, “Do you want to help us take the magic oil?” The cat said yes.
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Page 3

The Oil Thieves
The two sheep and the cat walked further. Soon, they met a rooster. The first sheep asked, “Do you want to help us take the magic oil?” The rooster said yes.
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Page 4

The Oil Thieves
As the animals walked along, they saw a small needle. The first sheep asked, “Do you want to help us take the magic oil?” The needle said yes.
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Page 5

The Oil Thieves
When they reached the evil magician’s house, nobody was home. So, they all went inside to look for the magic oil. First, they looked downstairs.
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Page 6

The Oil Thieves
They did not find the magic oil downstairs. So, they went upstairs. While they were looking for the magic oil upstairs, the evil magician came home.
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Page 7

The Oil Thieves
The sheep hid on the bed; they looked like pillows. The cat hid under the bed. The rooster hid in a big bowl. And the needle hid in a towel.
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The story of "The Oil Thieves"