The Princess From Brazen Mountain

『せいどうやまのおうじょ』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Princess From Brazen Mountain” の絵本

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
The Princess From Brazen Mountain
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Page 1

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
Long ago, a Prince was walking beside a lake. Suddenly, he saw a beautiful Princess. She had wings, like a bird. And she was flying!
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Page 2

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
The Prince and the Princess fell in love at first sight. The Prince said, “Let us go to my castle. We can be married today.”
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Page 3

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
Everybody was ready for the wedding. But suddenly, the Princess got nervous. She flew away to her home in Brazen Mountain.
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Page 4

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
The Prince went to look for the Princess. After many days, he found a magic cap. When he put it on, he became invisible.
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Page 5

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
A few days later, the Prince found a magic whip. He said to the whip, “Take me to Brazen Mountain.” Suddenly, the Prince was at Brazen Mountain.
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Page 6

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
The Prince looked up. The top of Brazen Mountain was very high. And the mountain was steep. He could not climb the mountain.
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Page 7

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
The Price saw an old man. The old man carried a big bag of flour. The Prince put on the magic hat.
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Page 8

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
Down from the mountain came a rope. The old man tied the bag to the rope. The rope began to go up. The invisible prince quickly jumped onto the bag.
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Page 9

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
The Prince saw the Princess. She was crying. She said, “I should not have run away. I still love my Prince.” Then, the Prince said, “I still love you, too!”
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Page 10

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
The Princess gave the Prince a pair of wings. They flew back to the Prince’s castle, and they got married. Then, they lived happily ever after.
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Page 11

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
The Princess From Brazen Mountain
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Page 12

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
Long ago, a Prince was walking beside a lake. Suddenly, he saw a beautiful Princess. She had wings, like a bird. And she was flying!
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Page 13

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
The Prince and the Princess fell in love at first sight. The Prince said, “Let us go to my castle. We can be married today.”
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Page 14

The Princess From Brazen Mountain
Everybody was ready for the wedding. But suddenly, the Princess got nervous. She flew away to her home in Brazen Mountain.
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The story of "The Princess From Brazen Mountain"