Yang Gui Fe 2

『ようきひ 2』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Yang Gui Fe 2” の絵本

Yang Gui Fe 2
Yang Gui Fe
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Page 1

Yang Gui Fe 2
Once, there was an Emperor named Ming Huang. He had a beautiful wife named Yang Gui Fe. They were very happy together.
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Page 2

Yang Gui Fe 2
When Empress Yang Gui Fe died, Emperor Ming Huang was very sad.
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Page 3

Yang Gui Fe 2
Emperor Ming Huang did not eat, and he did not sleep. His servants were worried about him.
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Page 4

Yang Gui Fe 2
One servant spoke to Emperor Ming Huang. The servant said, “I know a magician. He can speak with spirits. Maybe he can speak to Empress Yang Gui Fe.”
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Page 5

Yang Gui Fe 2
Emperor Ming Huang called the magician. The magician said, “I will go to the spirit world. I will find Empress Yang Gui Fe. I will try to bring her to you.”
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Page 6

Yang Gui Fe 2
The magician went to the spirit world. But he did not find Yang Gui Fe. And the spirits did not know her. Then, the magician went deeper into the spirit world.
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Page 7

Yang Gui Fe 2
The magician went to the place where the most holy spirits are. A spirit there said, “Yang Gui Fe is our queen.” The spirit took the magician to Queen Yang Gui Fe.
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The story of "Yang Gui Fe 2"