『ソフトライス』 子供のためのオーディオブック
英語で読める “Soft Rice” の絵本
Soft Rice
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Once upon a time, there was a man and his wife. They were very poor, but they were happy. The man was named Pohnae. His wife was Mohnae.
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Pohnae was not so smart, but Mohnae was very smart. She always had a good plan to help Pohnae.
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When it came time to plant the rice, Mohnae said, “Pohnae, please go to borrow rice from our friends. But only borrow soft rice, not hard rice.”
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Pohnae asked, “Why must I borrow soft rice?” Mohnae said, “Soft rice grows faster than hard rice. That way, we can pay back our debt more quickly.”
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Pohnae went to ask his friends and neighbors for soft rice. His best friend said, “If you help me prepare my rice, I will give some soft rice to you.”
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Pohnae helped his best friend. After that, he was given a jar of soft rice. Pohnae said thank you to his best friend, and he began to walk home.
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As Pohnae was walking across a bridge, he tripped and fell. He dropped the jar and all of the rice spilled into the river.
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Pohnae quickly ran down. He saw that some of the rice was floating on the water. He gathered as much as he could, and he went home.
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Mohnae said, “This looks like hard rice.” But Pohnae said, “No, it is soft rice. All of the hard rice sank to the bottom of the river when I dropped the jar.”
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Mohnae smiled at Pohnae. She said, “You are not very smart, but you have a big heart.” Then, she went to ask their neighbors for some soft rice.
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Soft Rice
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Once upon a time, there was a man and his wife. They were very poor, but they were happy. The man was named Pohnae. His wife was Mohnae.
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Pohnae was not so smart, but Mohnae was very smart. She always had a good plan to help Pohnae.
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When it came time to plant the rice, Mohnae said, “Pohnae, please go to borrow rice from our friends. But only borrow soft rice, not hard rice.”