The Gift from the Fairy

『ようせいからのおくりもの』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Gift from the Fairy” の絵本

The Gift from the Fairy
The Gift from the Fairy
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The Gift from the Fairy
Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived on a farm. She was friendly to all of the animals, but she especially loved the cow.
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The Gift from the Fairy
The girl’s step-mother was evil. She did not want the girl to be happy, so she decided to kill the cow. The girl ran to tell the cow to escape.
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The Gift from the Fairy
The girl said to the cow, “You have to run away! My step-mother wants to kill you.” But the cow said, “I know. She will kill me. But you will find a gift when I die.”
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Page 4

The Gift from the Fairy
The next day, the step-mother killed the cow. The girl sadly went to the cow’s stall. The cow was gone. But inside the stall, the girl found a small piece of gold.
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The Gift from the Fairy
When the girl picked up the gold, a fairy appeared. The fairy said, “You have been very kind. I will give you a gift of beauty and good luck.”
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The Gift from the Fairy
When the girl went back to the house, her step-mother asked, “How did you become beautiful?” The girl said, “A fairy in the cow’s stall gave me this gift.”
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The Gift from the Fairy
The step-mother took her own daughter to the cow’s stall. They found the fairy. The fairy said, “You are not kind. You and your child will be ugly and unlucky.”
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The Gift from the Fairy
The next afternoon, the king held a carnival. The ugly step-mother and her ugly daughter went. But they made the beautiful girl stay home.
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The Gift from the Fairy
The girl secretly went to the carnival. The king met her, and they fell in love. But she had to leave quickly; she had to go home before her step-mother returned.
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The Gift from the Fairy
When the girl ran away, one of her beautiful slippers fell off. The king picked up the slipper. He said, “I must find the girl who can wear this slipper.”
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The Gift from the Fairy
The king searched everywhere for the girl. Finally, he went to the evil step-mother’s house. He said, “Whoever can wear this shoe will be my queen.”
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The Gift from the Fairy
First the ugly daughter tried on the shoe, but her foot did not fit inside. Then, the ugly step-mother tried on the shoe, but her foot was too big, too.
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The Gift from the Fairy
The king asked the step-mother, “Does anyone else live here?” The step-mother lied. She said, “No. Only my daughter and I live here.”
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The Gift from the Fairy
Suddenly, a breeze blew open a door. Behind the door, the king saw the beautiful girl. He let the girl try on the slipper, and it fit perfectly!
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The Gift from the Fairy
The king took the girl to his castle. They got married there, and they lived happily ever after.
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The Gift from the Fairy
The Gift from the Fairy
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The Gift from the Fairy
Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived on a farm. She was friendly to all of the animals, but she especially loved the cow.
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Page 18

The Gift from the Fairy
The girl’s step-mother was evil. She did not want the girl to be happy, so she decided to kill the cow. The girl ran to tell the cow to escape.
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The Gift from the Fairy
The girl said to the cow, “You have to run away! My step-mother wants to kill you.” But the cow said, “I know. She will kill me. But you will find a gift when I die.”
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Page 20

The Gift from the Fairy
The next day, the step-mother killed the cow. The girl sadly went to the cow’s stall. The cow was gone. But inside the stall, the girl found a small piece of gold.
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Page 21

The Gift from the Fairy
When the girl picked up the gold, a fairy appeared. The fairy said, “You have been very kind. I will give you a gift of beauty and good luck.”
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The story of "The Gift from the Fairy"