King Robin

『キングロビン』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “King Robin” の絵本

King Robin
King Robin
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Page 1

King Robin
Once, there lived a young man named Sigli. He was the son of a robber, and he was a very bad-mannered and cruel young man.
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Page 2

King Robin
Sigli enjoyed catching and killing birds and other small animals. He was especially fond of killing red robins.
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Page 3

King Robin
Finally, King Robin could not accept Sigli’s cruelty anymore. King Robin called all of the animals together. He said, “What can we do about cruel Sigli?”
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Page 4

King Robin
The fox said, “We can make a man-shaped figure. Then, we can cover it with glue. When Sigli sees it near his house, he will think it is a beggar.”
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Page 5

King Robin
King Robin said, “That is a good idea. We know that Sigli is cruel to small animals. We also know that he hates beggars. He will certainly attack the figure.”
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Page 6

King Robin
With that plan, all of the animals began to work on the figure. After one night, it was complete. The animals had done a very good job. It looked like a real man.
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Page 7

King Robin
While it was still dark, the animals took the figure to Sigli’s house. They stood it outside his bedroom window. Then, they covered it with glue.
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The story of "King Robin"