Olaf, Bridekins, and the Sun

『オラフとはなよめとたいよう』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Olaf, Bridekins, and the Sun” の絵本

Olaf, Bridekins, and the Sun
Olaf, Bridekins, and the Sun
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Page 1

Olaf, Bridekins, and the Sun
Once upon a time, there was a brave knight named Olaf. The most beautiful princess in the world loved Olaf, and she wanted to marry him.
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Page 2

Olaf, Bridekins, and the Sun
One day when Olaf was riding to the princess’s castle, he met a girl. She was just a common girl, but she was more beautiful than the princess. Olaf fell in love with her.
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Page 3

Olaf, Bridekins, and the Sun
The common girl was named Bridekins. She soon began to love Olaf, too. Olaf was a good man, and a brave knight. He and Bridekins were soon married.
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Page 4

Olaf, Bridekins, and the Sun
The princess was very angry because Olaf had married a common girl. The princess gathered a great army, and she attacked Olaf’s castle.
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Page 5

Olaf, Bridekins, and the Sun
Olaf was a strong knight, and he was brave. But he was not very wealthy. He did not have a big army to defend his castle. But Olaf’s soldiers loved him, and they fought hard!
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Page 6

Olaf, Bridekins, and the Sun
For many days and nights, the princess and her army attacked Olaf’s castle. Soon, the castle’s walls began to break and fall.
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Page 7

Olaf, Bridekins, and the Sun
Certainly, the princess would destroy Olaf’s army. Then, she would take Olaf and make him marry her. And she would take Bridekins and make her a prisoner.
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The story of "Olaf, Bridekins, and the Sun"