The Fox and the Wolf

『キツネとオオカミ』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Fox and the Wolf” の絵本

The Fox and the Wolf
The Fox and the Wolf
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The Fox and the Wolf
One morning, a fox and a wolf were walking through the forest. They were both hungry, and they were looking for something to eat.
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Page 2

The Fox and the Wolf
The fox and the wolf came upon a muddy lake. A horse had gotten stuck in the mud. The fox and the wolf wanted to eat the horse!
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Page 3

The Fox and the Wolf
The fox said to the wolf, “We have to pull the horse out of the mud. Then, we can eat it.” The wolf asked, “How can we pull that big horse out of the mud?”
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Page 4

The Fox and the Wolf
The fox and the wolf sat down. They thought about the problem. Finally, the fox jumped up. He said, “I have an idea!”
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The Fox and the Wolf
The fox said, “I will tie your tail to the horse’s tail. You can pull him out because you are so strong. I will push from the front. I am not heavy, so I will not get stuck in the mud.
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Page 6

The Fox and the Wolf
The fox tied the wolf’s tail to the horse’s tail. Then, the fox went around to the front of the horse. The fox said, “I will count to three. Then, you pull, and I will push.”
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Page 7

The Fox and the Wolf
The fox said, “One. Two. Three!” Then, the wolf began to pull as hard as he could. And the fox began to push as hard as he could.”
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The story of "The Fox and the Wolf"