The Singing Mermaid

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英語で読める “The Singing Mermaid” の絵本

The Singing Mermaid
The Singing Mermaid
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Page 1

The Singing Mermaid
Once upon a time, there was a Prince. He liked to walk in the forest.
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Page 2

The Singing Mermaid
One day, the Prince heard a beautiful song. He followed the singing voice. Soon, he was lost in the forest!
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Page 3

The Singing Mermaid
The Prince found a river, and there was a singing Mermaid. She held a bow and arrow.
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Page 4

The Singing Mermaid
The Prince said, “I am lost. Can you help me?” The Mermaid said, “If you follow my arrow, you will find your way." Then, the Mermaid shot the arrow.
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Page 5

The Singing Mermaid
The Prince said, “Thank you for helping me.” The Prince then followed the arrow, and he found his way home.
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Page 6

The Singing Mermaid
The Prince told people about the singing Mermaid but people did not believe him. An evil hunter went into the forest to see if the Mermaid was real. He found the Mermaid.
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Page 7

The Singing Mermaid
“The Prince told the truth,” said the hunter. “There is a beautiful singing Mermaid.” The evil hunter went back to his home saying “I must catch the Mermaid!”
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Page 8

The Singing Mermaid
The evil hunter caught the Mermaid in a big net. He took the Mermaid back to the town.
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Page 9

The Singing Mermaid
The hunter said, “I will make people pay to hear the Mermaid sing. I will be rich!” The Prince was very upset to see this.
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Page 10

The Singing Mermaid
The Mermaid was also sad. Soon, she turned into stone, and she never sang again.
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Page 11

The Singing Mermaid
The Singing Mermaid
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Page 12

The Singing Mermaid
Once upon a time, there was a Prince. He liked to walk in the forest.
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Page 13

The Singing Mermaid
One day, the Prince heard a beautiful song. He followed the singing voice. Soon, he was lost in the forest!
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Page 14

The Singing Mermaid
The Prince found a river, and there was a singing Mermaid. She held a bow and arrow.
Play button
Pause button

The story of "The Singing Mermaid"