Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen

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英語で読める “Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen” の絵本

Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen
Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen
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Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen
Long ago, there was a man named Tu Thuc. One day, he saw a rich man drop a bag of gold. Then, he saw a girl pick up the bag. The girl tried to give the bag of gold to the rich man. But the rich man said, “Thief! You stole my gold.” Then, he called a police officer.
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Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen
When the police officer came, Tu Thuc told him, “The girl did not steal the bag. She tried to help the rich man.” The police officer let the girl go. Many years later, Tu Thuc was walking by a river. Suddenly, he saw a mountain floating in the sky. Tu Thuc found a secret bridge. It went to the floating mountain.
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Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen
On the mountain, Tu Thuc met the Fairy Queen. Then, Tu Thuc saw a girl. It was the same girl who he helped many years before. She was the Fairy Queen’s daughter. The Fairy Queen said, “Because you helped my daughter many years ago, she fell in love with you. If you want, you can marry her.”
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Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen
Tu Thuc married the Fairy Queen’s daughter. They lived on the floating mountain, and they were very happy together. But sometimes, Tu Thuc was homesick. One day, Tu Thuc said, “I want to visit my family and friends. I will come back soon.” His wife was very sad, but she said that he could go.
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Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen
Tu Thuc went home, but his village was different. And he did not know anyone. He had been gone for 100 years! So, Tu Thuc tried to go back to the floating mountain. Tu Thuc went to the river, but he did not see the floating mountain. He could not go back to his wife. And all of his friends were dead. Tu Thuc sat down and cried.
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Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen
Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen
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Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen
Long ago, there was a man named Tu Thuc. One day, he saw a rich man drop a bag of gold. Then, he saw a girl pick up the bag. The girl tried to give the bag of gold to the rich man. But the rich man said, “Thief! You stole my gold.” Then, he called a police officer.
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The story of "Tu Thuc And The Fairy Queen"