『ムリル、いえにかえる』 子供のためのオーディオブック
英語で読める “Murile Goes Home” の絵本
Murile Goes Home (Tanzania)

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Long ago, there was a young man who flew to Heaven on a stool. His name was Murile, and he lived with the Heaven-people for many years. But one day, Murile said to his wife, “I want to go home. I want my family to meet our children.”

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Murile’s wife said, “You have been away for a long time. Your family must think that you are dead.” Murile said, “I will send a bird to tell them that I am coming soon.” So, Murile asked a mockingbird to go and sing a song to his father.

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The mockingbird found Murile’s father, and the bird began to sing. When Murile’s father heard the song, he was very surprised and happy. He ran to tell everyone that Murile was coming home!

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In Heaven, Murile and his family were getting ready to go. They had packed many gifts for Murile’s father, mother, brothers, and sisters. They also prepared special gifts for Murile’s uncle, who was the leader of the family.

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Murile and his family began their journey home. There were many cows and goats that carried all of the heavy bags. Murile’s wife and his children also rode on the backs of the cows. But Murile walked. He walked for a long time, and he got tired.

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The biggest and strongest bull walked next to Murile. The bull said to Murile, “Climb onto my strong back, and I will carry you. I am not tired.” Murile thanked the bull, and he climbed onto its back.

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Murile said to the bull, “Because you are helping me, I will protect you. Nobody will kill you while you are young. You will have a long and peaceful life. And when you die, I will not eat your meat.” These words made the bull happy.