『わたしのなまえのはなし』 子供のためのオーディオブック
英語で読める “The story of my name” の絵本

The story of my name

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It was the first day of the new academic year. We were all chattering happily in the hallways. We had our new notebooks and pens. I had a new pencil case; I couldn’t wait to show my friends. We were excited to find out who our teacher would be.

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We sat down in the classroom and waited. Oh no! We almost groaned out loud. Mr. Stephens. Not him! We had the teacher no one liked. He was so boring; he would preach to the students all the time and made everyone stand up while he sat down. He was always frowning; I don’t think anyone ever saw him smile.

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He strode quickly to the teacher’s desk at the front of the room. “Stand up when I call out your name,” he said.

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He picked up the attendance sheet and looked at it closely. He had an angry look on his face like he didn’t like what he saw.

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“Paulina Gomez,” he called. Paulina stood up and nervously she said, “ It’s pronounced Paulina, not Paulaina.” She sat down. The teacher gave her a stern look.

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“Jesus Alvarez,“ he continued. Jesus stood up and said, you should say it like "Hay-Soos" because in Spanish the "J" is pronounced like an "H."

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The teacher continued “Seohyun Kim.” The teacher made it sound like "Seeah-Yan." Seohyun stood swiftly. You should say it like "Soo-Hyoon" she said. Please pronunce my name as "Soo-Hyoon." "Hmm, I see" said the teacher.

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Next was Mohammad. He thought the teacher was going to mispronunce his name too and he was not wrong. “Mahamad Zahed.” Mohammad stood up and said "Mohammad" sir.

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The last one in the list was Taro and the teacher called his name in a wrong way too.

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The teacher got angry, he threw the attendance sheet down on the desk. “Why didn’t your parents give you American names? This is America,” he mumbles.

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The students heard this. There was silence for a few minutes then Seohyun raised her hand. “Stand up!” barked Mr. Stephens.

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Seohyun stood up, her hand still in the air. “Mr. Stefans,” she said. It is Stephens, “ said the teacher, ‘Mr. Stephens.”

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“Well how did it feel to have your name mispronounced?” Seohyun asked him. “And what does your name mean? How did you get your name?”

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He gave Seohyun a very angry look. He didn’t know...