『せかいいちかわいいあかちゃん』 子供のためのオーディオブック
英語で読める “The World’s Most Beautiful Baby” の絵本

The World's Most Beautiful Baby

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At last it was Laila’s birthday. She was 7. Finally she could get a special gift from her mother. Laila had asked her mom for a very special present. She had asked her mom every day for a month.

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“Please please please please please,” she said with her hands clasped together in front of her. “We’ll see, “ said her mom.

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“Please please please please please, “ Laila asked again and again and again.“We’ll see, “ said her mom.

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In the end her mother agreed to get it for her but only if Laila promised to help clean the house and do the dishes for a whole week!

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Her mom ordered the very special present for Laila from an online shopping site that sold all the most popular gifts for birthdays. Every year the gifts changed depending on what people wanted. This year there were some fantastic gifts and Laila knew what she wanted.

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On Sunday morning the bell rang and the delivery man stood at the door with a big box with a ribbon on it. Laila was jumping up and down. She jumped maybe 50 times.

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“This must be for you,” said the man, smiling.

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Her mom and sister started singing “Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Lailaaaaaa…..”

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Laila wasn’t listening, she was trying to open the box. She ran for some scissors to cut the strings. She finally opened the box and pulled out all the paper and plastic wrapping. Suddenly she let out a loud scream. She could not stop screaming. Her mom ran over to her, ‘What is it?” she asked.

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Laila pointed to the open box. In the box was a kitchen blender.

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Her mom ran to the computer and went to the online shopping site. “Oh no!, “ she said, “ I ordered the wrong thing. How could I have done that?”

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She went back to Laila and hugged her. “ I’m so sorry honey,” she said, “ I will send it back and order your real gift.”

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Laila was crying. “This is not what I asked for,” she said.

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“I know, I know, “said Laila’s mom, “I’ll order again, it will be here in a week.”

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“A WEEK!” yelled Laila, but today Grandma and Grandpa are coming. I want to show it to them. Please, please Mommy can’t we get it today?”

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Mom couldn’t stand seeing Laila’s sad little face so she agreed to go to the mall to get Laila’s special present. She wrapped the blender back up in the box to send back and then they all jumped into the car.

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They arrived at the mall and went straight to the largest toyshop in there. Laila went straight up to a member of staff and asked where the doll section was.

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Laila wanted the very newest baby doll. One that could walk and talk and recognize human faces and have conversations with humans. It was like a mix of a futuristic robot and a Barbie doll in a human form.

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There were many different types of the same toy. Which one do you want her mom asked? “How about this one?” She was pointing at the black baby. She had beautiful curly hair and lovely big brown eyes”

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Her face was almost screaming at Laila “Come play with me”.

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Hmm said Laila. I want to get the most beautiful baby. Which one is the most beautiful? Mommy let’s decide which one the most beautiful is. “I really liked the black baby, is she the most beautiful baby?”