The Runaway Pancake

『コロコロパンケーキ 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Runaway Pancake” の絵本

The Runaway Pancake
The Runaway Pancake
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Page 1

The Runaway Pancake
One day, two women were baking a Pancake. When it was almost done, they began to argue. Each woman wanted to eat the whole thing. They did not want to share.
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Page 2

The Runaway Pancake
One woman said, "This Pancake is mine!" And the other one said, "No, the Pancake is mine!"
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Page 3

The Runaway Pancake
The women argued and argued. They had forgotten about the Pancake. When the Pancake saw this, he jumped out of the pan and ran away.
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Page 4

The Runaway Pancake
The Pancake ran near a Fox. The Fox said, "Mr. Pancake, please come here." The Pancake said, "I am running away from two women. And I will run from you, too!"
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Page 5

The Runaway Pancake
Then, the Pancake met a Rabbit. The Rabbit said, “Mr. Pancake, please come here." The Pancake said, "I am running away from two women, and the Fox. And I will run from you, too!
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Page 6

The Runaway Pancake
Then, the Pancake came to a Pig. The Pig was very big and fat. It was lying in its house full of mud.
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Page 7

The Runaway Pancake
The Pig asked, "Mr. Pancake, where are you going?" The Pancake said, "I am running away from two women, the Fox, and the Rabbit. And I will run from you, too."
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Page 8

The Runaway Pancake
The pig said, "Wait, Mr. Pancake, please.” The Pancake stopped running, and the Pig said, “I cannot hear well. Please come close, and speak to me again.”
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Page 9

The Runaway Pancake
So the Pancake went close to the Pig. And began to speak loudly in the Pig's ear. "I am running away from two women, the Fox, and the Rabbit. And I will ..."
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Page 10

The Runaway Pancake
... before the Pancake could finish talking, the Pig had eaten him. And the story ended there.
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Page 11

The Runaway Pancake
The Runaway Pancake
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Page 12

The Runaway Pancake
One day, two women were baking a Pancake. When it was almost done, they began to argue. Each woman wanted to eat the whole thing. They did not want to share.
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Page 13

The Runaway Pancake
One woman said, "This Pancake is mine!" And the other one said, "No, the Pancake is mine!"
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Page 14

The Runaway Pancake
The women argued and argued. They had forgotten about the Pancake. When the Pancake saw this, he jumped out of the pan and ran away.
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The story of "The Runaway Pancake"