The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World

『おくびょううさぎとせかいのおわり 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World” の絵本

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
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The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
One day, a rabbit was sitting on a log. He looked at the sky, and he thought, “What will I do if the world suddenly ends?” Then, a nut fell onto the log, and made a loud CRACK!
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Page 2

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
The rabbit jumped, and he began to run. A monkey saw the rabbit running. The monkey asked, “Why are you running?” The rabbit said, “The world is ending! Run!”
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Page 3

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
A horse saw the rabbit and the monkey running. This scared the horse, and he began running, too. He did not know why he was running.
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Page 4

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
The rabbit passed many animals. They all became afraid, and they ran with the rabbit. The group got bigger and bigger.
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Page 5

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
A lion saw the big group of animals. He thought, “This is strange. Why are all of the animals running? They look scared.” Then, the lion yelled, “STOP!”
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Page 6

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
The lion asked many animals, “Why are you running away?” But most of the animals could not answer. The horse said, “I was running because I saw the rabbit and the monkey running.”
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Page 7

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
The monkey said to the lion, “I was running because the world is ending.” The lion asked, “Why do you think the world is ending?” The monkey said, “Because the rabbit told me.”
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Page 8

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
The lion asked the rabbit, “Why do you think the world is ending?” The rabbit said, “I heard a loud noise.” The lion said, “Take me there.”
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Page 9

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
The rabbit took the lion to the log where he had been sitting. The lion looked, and he saw the nut on the ground. He picked up the nut, and he dropped it on the log. CRACK!
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Page 10

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
The rabbit said “I am sorry” to all of the animals. And the animals learned a lesson; find out the truth before you join a group.
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Page 11

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
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Page 12

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
One day, a rabbit was sitting on a log. He looked at the sky, and he thought, “What will I do if the world suddenly ends?” Then, a nut fell onto the log, and made a loud CRACK!
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Page 13

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
The rabbit jumped, and he began to run. A monkey saw the rabbit running. The monkey asked, “Why are you running?” The rabbit said, “The world is ending! Run!”
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Page 14

The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World
A horse saw the rabbit and the monkey running. This scared the horse, and he began running, too. He did not know why he was running.
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The story of "The Scared Rabbit And The End Of The World"