Kaloghlan The Bald Boy

『はげあたまのカログラン』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Kaloghlan The Bald Boy” の絵本

Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
Kaloghlan the bald boy
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Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
Once upon a time, there was a bald boy named Kaloglan. He was young, and he lived with his poor mother.
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Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
One day Kaloglan heard that the king was looking for someone to marry the princess. Kaloglan decided that he would be the one to marry the princess.
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Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
Everyone in the village laughed at Kaloglan. They said, “You are bald and poor. The princess will never marry you.” Kaloglan did not listen to the villagers. He left his village to go to the palace in Istanbul.
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Page 4

Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
On the way to the palace, Kaloglan got thirsty. But he could not find anything to drink. After walking for 2 days, he finally saw a well by the road. He used a bucket to get water from the well.
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Page 5

Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
When Kaloglan pulled the bucket up, he found a tiny green frog in the bucket. The frog said, “I was stuck in that well for years, and you saved me! I will give you a magic box.”
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Page 6

Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
The frog gave the magic box to Kaloglan. Then, the frog said, “Take this box and say the word "open" 3 times, and it will open. Inside will be hundreds of dishes of food.” Kaloglan was very happy. Instead of going to Istanbul, he returned to his village.
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Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
Kaloglan showed the magic box to his mother. His mother told him to keep the box secret because some people may want to steal it. However, Kaloglan did not listen to his mother.
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Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
Kaloglan proudly showed his magic box to all of his neighbors. One day, a bad neighbor stole the box. Kaloglan ran to the well to get a new box, but the frog was gone. Then, Kaloglan saw an old man with a white beard.
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Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
Kaloglan told the whole story to the old man. The old man said, “Take this stick. Say the word "hit" 3 times. It will find any bad person, and it will hit him until you say stop.” Kaloglan took the stick and returned to the village.
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Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
Kaloglan told everyone that now he had a better magic box that gives everyone free golden coins. All of the neighbors went to Kaloglan’s house to see the new box. After everyone entered, Kaloghlan said "hit it stick." The stick jumped up, found the guy who stole the box and began hitting him.
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Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
The bad neighbor apologised to Kaloglan, and he returned the magic box. From that day on, Kaloglan used his magic box to feed hungry people. And he used his magic stick to find bad people.
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Page 12

Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
Kaloghlan learned the lesson that he should not share his secrets with everyone. Meanwhile the sultan heard Kaloghlan’s fame and asked him to marry his daughter. They all lived happily after…
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Page 13

Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
Kaloghlan the bald boy
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Page 14

Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
Once upon a time, there was a bald boy named Kaloglan. He was young, and he lived with his poor mother.
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Page 15

Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
One day Kaloglan heard that the king was looking for someone to marry the princess. Kaloglan decided that he would be the one to marry the princess.
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Page 16

Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
Everyone in the village laughed at Kaloglan. They said, “You are bald and poor. The princess will never marry you.” Kaloglan did not listen to the villagers. He left his village to go to the palace in Istanbul.
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Page 17

Kaloghlan The Bald Boy
On the way to the palace, Kaloglan got thirsty. But he could not find anything to drink. After walking for 2 days, he finally saw a well by the road. He used a bucket to get water from the well.
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The story of "Kaloghlan The Bald Boy"