『ちいさなこひつじ』 子供のためのオーディオブック
英語で読める “Little Lamb” の絵本

Little Lamb

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Once long ago, Little Lamb was walking over the mountain to visit her grandmother. On her way, she met Mr. Jackal.

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Mr. Jackal said, “Little Lamb, I am going to eat you.” But Little Lamb said, “I will get fat at my grandmother’s house. You should eat me when I come back.”

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Mr. Jackal thought about it, and he let Little Lamb go. He wanted to eat Little Lamb when she was fat.

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So, Little Lamb went safely to her grandmother’s house. When she met her grandmother, she said, “I made a promise that I have to keep.”

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Little Lamb’s grandmother asked, “What did you promise?” Little Lamb said, “I promised to get fat, so I have to eat all of your corn!”

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Little Lamb ate all the corn she could. And she got very fat! When it was time to go home, Little Lamb said, “Oh, no! If Mr. Jackal sees me, I will be eaten.”

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Little Lamb’s Grandmother said, “You can hide in this drum. Then, you can roll home safely. You do not have to worry about Mr. Jackal.”

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So, Little Lamb got into the drum and began to roll back home. Mr. Jackal saw the drum rolling down the path, and he asked, “Have you seen Little Lamb?”

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Little Lamb inside the drum said, “Little Lamb fell into a fire and died!” But Mr. Jackal remembered Little Lamb’s voice. So, he ripped open the drum!

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Mr. Jackal ate Little Lamb all up. So, Little Lamb was not able to trick anyone or lie to anyone ever again.

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Little Lamb

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Once long ago, Little Lamb was walking over the mountain to visit her grandmother. On her way, she met Mr. Jackal.

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Mr. Jackal said, “Little Lamb, I am going to eat you.” But Little Lamb said, “I will get fat at my grandmother’s house. You should eat me when I come back.”

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Mr. Jackal thought about it, and he let Little Lamb go. He wanted to eat Little Lamb when she was fat.