
『ネバーウォッシュ』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Never-Wash” の絵本

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Page 1

Long ago, there lived a soldier. He served in the army for a long time. But when he got old, he could not fight anymore. So he had to retire.
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Page 2

The soldier was worried. He did not have much money. Suddenly, an imp appeared. The imp said, “I have an offer. If you accept, you will be paid.”
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Page 3

The soldier asked the imp, “What must I do?” The imp said, “For 15 years, you must never wash, never cut your hair, and never change your clothes.”
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Page 4

The soldier said, “I will do these things. But you must give me everything I want during the 15 years.” The imp agreed, and he took the soldier to live in Moscow.
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Page 5

The soldier asked for all of the best food he could have. The imp gave it to him. Then, the soldier asked for all the money he would need. The imp gave it to him.
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Page 6

The soldier gave most of his food and money to poor people. This made the imp angry; he did not like to see kindness.
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Page 7

One day, the Tsar called the soldier to his castle. The Tsar said, “I do not have enough money to pay my army this month. Can you help?”
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Page 8

The soldier said, “I will help if one of your daughters agrees to marry me.” The Tsar asked his three daughters if they would marry the soldier.
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Page 9

It had been 14 years, and the soldier was very dirty and ugly. The Tsar’s two oldest daughters looked at him. They both said, “I would rather marry the Devil!”
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Page 10

Finally, the youngest daughter saw the soldier. She said, “He is ugly, and he smells bad now. But I will help you, father. I will marry the soldier.”
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Page 11

The soldier gave money to the Tsar to pay the army. He said, “I will marry your daughter next year.”
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Page 12

The soldier was near the end of the agreement. On the day before the end, the soldier said to the imp, “Make me young again.” And the imp made him young.
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Page 13

The soldier went to marry the Tsar’s daughter. Her two older sisters were shocked to see the handsome young man. Suddenly, the imp appeared.
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Page 14

The imp took the sisters. He said, “You said you would rather marry the Devil than marry this soldier. And that is where I am taking you now!”
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Page 15

The soldier and his wife lived a long happy life together. Then, when the old Tsar died, the soldier became the next Tsar, and everyone was happy.
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Page 16

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Page 17

Long ago, there lived a soldier. He served in the army for a long time. But when he got old, he could not fight anymore. So he had to retire.
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Page 18

The soldier was worried. He did not have much money. Suddenly, an imp appeared. The imp said, “I have an offer. If you accept, you will be paid.”
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Page 19

The soldier asked the imp, “What must I do?” The imp said, “For 15 years, you must never wash, never cut your hair, and never change your clothes.”
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Page 20

The soldier said, “I will do these things. But you must give me everything I want during the 15 years.” The imp agreed, and he took the soldier to live in Moscow.
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Page 21

The soldier asked for all of the best food he could have. The imp gave it to him. Then, the soldier asked for all the money he would need. The imp gave it to him.
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The story of "Never-Wash"