Prince Zal and the Simorgh

『ザルおうじとシモルグ』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “Prince Zal and the Simorgh” の絵本

Prince Zal and the Simorgh
Prince Zal and the Simorgh
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Page 1

Prince Zal and the Simorgh
Once upon a time, there was a king named Saam. He had a son named Zal. But Zal was very pale and weak. So King Saam abandoned Zal on a mountain.
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Page 2

Prince Zal and the Simorgh
On the mountain, Zal began to cry. The baby’s cries were heard by the Simorgh, and she came to help the baby, Zal.
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Page 3

Prince Zal and the Simorgh
The Simorgh was a giant creature with a bird’s wings, a dog’s head, and a lion’s feet. She was very strong, but she was very kind and intelligent, too.
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Page 4

Prince Zal and the Simorgh
The Simorgh took Zal to her home, a giant tree in the Persian Gulf. The tree had the seeds of all the fruits and vegetables in the world.
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Page 5

Prince Zal and the Simorgh
Zal lived with the Simorgh, and he learned many things from her. The Simorgh had all the knowledge of the entire world! And she taught everything to Zal.
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Page 6

Prince Zal and the Simorgh
With the Simorgh’s help, Zal grew up to be strong, wise, and brave. Zal loved the Simorgh as though she were his real mother. And the Simorgh loved Zal, too.
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Page 7

Prince Zal and the Simorgh
One day, Zal found out that his father had died. Zal had to go home to become the new king. Zal and the Simorgh were sad, but Zal had to go.
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Prince Zal and the Simorgh
Before Zal left, the Simorgh gave him three of her golden feathers. She told him to burn a feather if he needed help. If he burned a feather, she would come.
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Prince Zal and the Simorgh
Zal returned to his kingdom, and he became the king. He used the wisdom and strength that the Simorgh had taught him to make his kingdom great.
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Page 10

Prince Zal and the Simorgh
Zal was sad because he could not see the Simorgh every day. But he had the feathers that she had given him, and that always made him feel better.
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Prince Zal and the Simorgh
Prince Zal and the Simorgh
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Page 12

Prince Zal and the Simorgh
Once upon a time, there was a king named Saam. He had a son named Zal. But Zal was very pale and weak. So King Saam abandoned Zal on a mountain.
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Page 13

Prince Zal and the Simorgh
On the mountain, Zal began to cry. The baby’s cries were heard by the Simorgh, and she came to help the baby, Zal.
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Page 14

Prince Zal and the Simorgh
The Simorgh was a giant creature with a bird’s wings, a dog’s head, and a lion’s feet. She was very strong, but she was very kind and intelligent, too.
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The story of "Prince Zal and the Simorgh"