『ししゃのくにのスディカ・ムバンビ』 子供のためのオーディオブック
英語で読める “Sudika-Mbambi in the Land of the Dead” の絵本
Sudika-Mbambi in the Land of the Dead (Angola)

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Many years ago, there was a warrior named Sudika-Mbambi. He had a brother named Kabundungulu. Sudika-Mbambi went to fight demons. He asked Kabundungulu to stay home to protect his mother and to guard his kilembe, his life-tree.

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While Sudika-Mbambi was traveling, he met four companions. He also got married to a beautiful woman. After Sudika-Mbambi and his companions defeated all the demons and an evil witch, they continued to live together in their big house.

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After they had lived together for some time, Sudika-Mbambi’s companions became jealous. None of them had a beautiful wife. So, they decided to kill Sudika-Mbambi and keep his wife for themselves.

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The four companions trapped Sudika-Mbambi in a hole, and the filled it with dirt. On this sad day, Kabundungulu saw Sudika-Mbambi’s kilembe begin to die. He gave water to the kilembe, and it began to grow again.

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Inside the hole, Sudika-Mbambi found a door. It took him to the Land of the Dead. He went there, and he met the king. The king’s name was Kalunga. King Kalunga was worried because his daughter had been carried away by a giant snake.

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Sudika-Mbambi promised King Kalunga that he would find the king’s daughter. King Kalunga said, “If you save my daughter, you can marry her!” So, Sudika-Mbambi went off to find the giant snake.

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Sudika-Mbambi found the giant snake. But this snake had five heads! Sudika-Mbambi fought very hard. He cut off one head, then another. Finally, all of the snake’s heads were gone. Sudika-Mbambi had saved the king’s daughter!