The Bear Woman

『くまのおんな』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Bear Woman” の絵本

The Bear Woman
The Bear Woman
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Page 1

The Bear Woman
One time in Autumn, a family was hunting. There was a man and his wife. The man’s parents, and his sisters were there, too. One day, the man found some lily roots.
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Page 2

The Bear Woman
The man said to his wife, “You can dig up the lily roots while I hunt. Then, we will have more food. The next day, the man and his wife took a small lodge, and they moved near the lilies.
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Page 3

The Bear Woman
While the wife was digging up the roots, a big bear came out of the forest. The bear took the wife. It said, “You will dig roots for me!”
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Page 4

The Bear Woman
When the man returned from hunting, his wife was gone. He looked for her, and he only saw the footprints of the bear. The man thought the bear had eaten his wife, and he was sad.
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Page 5

The Bear Woman
That night, while the man slept, he saw his wife in a dream. She said, “The bear took me. It is a magical bear, but you can kill it because you are strong. Come to the bear’s cave in four days.”
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Page 6

The Bear Woman
The man told his parents about his dream. His mother said, “You must go to save your wife.” His father said, “You are strong and brave. You can do this.”
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Page 7

The Bear Woman
Four days later, the man went to the bear’s cave. He saw his wife. The bear was making her dig up many roots. The man held his bow and arrow. He called, “Bear! Return my wife to me!”
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Page 8

The Bear Woman
The bear laughed. It said, “You cannot kill me! I am too strong!” Then, the bear ran at the man. But the man was very brave and strong. He shot two arrows into the bear, and the bear died.
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Page 9

The Bear Woman
When the bear died, the man’s wife fell down. She was very sick. She said, “The bear’s magic has made me sick. Your sisters must wash me in a clean river.”
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Page 10

The Bear Woman
The man took his wife to his sisters. They washed his wife, and she got better quickly. After that, the man and his wife lived happily for many years.
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Page 11

The Bear Woman
The Bear Woman
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Page 12

The Bear Woman
One time in Autumn, a family was hunting. There was a man and his wife. The man’s parents, and his sisters were there, too. One day, the man found some lily roots.
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Page 13

The Bear Woman
The man said to his wife, “You can dig up the lily roots while I hunt. Then, we will have more food. The next day, the man and his wife took a small lodge, and they moved near the lilies.
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Page 14

The Bear Woman
While the wife was digging up the roots, a big bear came out of the forest. The bear took the wife. It said, “You will dig roots for me!”
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The story of "The Bear Woman"