The Carpenter And The Princess 2

『だいくとおうじょ 2』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Carpenter And The Princess 2” の絵本

The Carpenter And The Princess 2
The Carpenter And The Princess
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Page 1

The Carpenter And The Princess 2
Once, there was a King. He had a daughter. She was a beautiful Princess, but she could not speak. An evil Magician wanted to marry the Princess. But the King said, “No.”
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Page 2

The Carpenter And The Princess 2
The Magician got angry. He said, “If I cannot marry the Princess, nobody can!” Then, he used his magic to make a tall tower, and he put the Princess inside.
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Page 3

The Carpenter And The Princess 2
The King made an announcement. He said to everyone, “If a good man can free the Princess, he can marry her.”
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Page 4

The Carpenter And The Princess 2
Many Princes and Knights tried to free the Princess. But the tower was too tall. Their ropes and ladders were too short. They could not reach the Princess.
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Page 5

The Carpenter And The Princess 2
One day, a Carpenter came to the tower. He had a big box and a hammer. He opened the box, and he took out a big nail. Then, he hammered the nail into the tower.
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Page 6

The Carpenter And The Princess 2
He hammered many nails into the tower. When night came, he had made stairs with the nails. The stairs went all the way to the top of the tower. The Carpenter freed the Princess!
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Page 7

The Carpenter And The Princess 2
The Princess was very happy, and she gave the Carpenter a gift. She gave him a necklace. In the necklace was a picture of her and the King together.
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The story of "The Carpenter And The Princess 2"