The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox

『クロコダイルとしょうにんとキツネ』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox” の絵本

The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
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The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
Once upon a time, a merchant was traveling to a city. He saw a big crocodile in a small stream under a bridge.
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The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
The crocodile said to the merchant, “Please take me to the city. The city has a big river, and I will be happy there. So, the merchant let the crocodile ride in his wagon.
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The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
When the merchant reached the city, he let the crocodile out of the wagon. Suddenly, the crocodile tried to eat the merchant, but the merchant jumped into a mango tree.
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The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
The merchant asked the crocodile, “Why are you going to eat me? I helped you!” But the crocodile said, “Humans destroy the things that help them, so it is fair for me to eat you.”
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Page 5

The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
The merchant asked the mango tree, “Is it fair for the crocodile to eat me?” The tree said, “Yes. You take my fruit, and you kill me for my wood.” Then, the tree dropped the merchant.
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Page 6

The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
The merchant hid behind a cow. He asked the cow, “Is it fair for the crocodile to eat me?” The cow said, “Yes. You take my milk, and you kill me for my meat.” Then the cow ran away.
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The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
The crocodile said to the man, “Because humans destroy the things that help the, it is fair for me to eat you. The mango tree and the cow believe this is true.”
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The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
While the crocodile was talking, a fox walked by. The fox said, “How did the merchant help you?” The crocodile said, “He carried me in his wagon.”
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The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
The fox said, “I do not believe you. You are too big to fit in the wagon.” So, the crocodile got into the wagon. He said, “See? I can fit inside the wagon.”
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The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
Suddenly, the merchant closed the wagon’s door. The crocodile was trapped inside! Then, the fox said, “It is fair for you to eat the merchant. But I do not want to be your dessert!”
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The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
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Page 12

The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
Once upon a time, a merchant was traveling to a city. He saw a big crocodile in a small stream under a bridge.
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Page 13

The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
The crocodile said to the merchant, “Please take me to the city. The city has a big river, and I will be happy there. So, the merchant let the crocodile ride in his wagon.
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Page 14

The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox
When the merchant reached the city, he let the crocodile out of the wagon. Suddenly, the crocodile tried to eat the merchant, but the merchant jumped into a mango tree.
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The story of "The Crocodile, the Merchant, and the Fox"