The Cruel Barber and His Glassware

『ざんこくなりはつしとガラスせいひん』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Cruel Barber and His Glassware” の絵本

The Cruel Barber and His Glassware
The Cruel Barber and His Glassware
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Page 1

The Cruel Barber and His Glassware
Once, there was a barber. When his father died, he was left with 100 gold coins. He used this money to buy glassware: beautiful plates, cups, and other things.
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Page 2

The Cruel Barber and His Glassware
He looked at his glassware, and he began to imagine his future. He said, “When I sell this glassware, I will have 200 gold coins. Then, I can buy more glassware.”
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Page 3

The Cruel Barber and His Glassware
The barber said, “I will continue to buy and sell glassware. When I have 3000 gold coins, I will buy a house. I will also have many servants.”
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Page 4

The Cruel Barber and His Glassware
The barber smiled. He said, “I will become so rich that I can marry the prime minister’s daughter. But I will not be kind to her.”
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Page 5

The Cruel Barber and His Glassware
The cruel barber said, “I will not even look at my beautiful wife. She will have to beg for just one glance from me. And I will not speak to her.”
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Page 6

The Cruel Barber and His Glassware
The barber’s wicked eyes gleamed. He said, “Her mother will come. She will beg me to be kind to her daughter. But I will ignore her mother, too!”
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Page 7

The Cruel Barber and His Glassware
The evil barber set his tray of glassware on the floor. He thought, “My wife’s mother will fill a glass with sweet water. She will tell her daughter to give it to me.”
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The story of "The Cruel Barber and His Glassware"