The Fairy can go to Heaven

『ようせいはてんごくにいける』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Fairy can go to Heaven” の絵本

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The Fairy can go to Heaven
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Page 1

The Fairy can go to Heaven
Long, long ago, two brothers were playing next to a lake. Suddenly, they heard beautiful music. They followed the sound of the music. Then, they saw a fairy playing a harp.
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Page 2

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The older brother asked the fairy, “Why are you playing music?” The fairy said, “If my music is beautiful enough, maybe I can go to Heaven when I die.”
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Page 3

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The brothers laughed. The younger brother said, “You are a fairy. Fairies cannot go to Heaven. Only people can go to Heaven!”
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Page 4

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The fairy became very sad. He threw down his harp, and it broke. Then, the fairy began to cry. The brothers did not know what to do, so they ran home.
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Page 5

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The older brother told his father, “Today, we saw a fairy. If you listen, you can hear him crying.” The father, listened, and he heard the fairy crying.
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Page 6

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The father asked the brothers, “Why is the fairy crying?” The younger brother said, “He was playing music to go to Heaven. But we told him that he cannot go to Heaven.”
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Page 7

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The father asked the brothers, “Was the music beautiful?” The brothers said, “Yes. It was very beautiful.” So, the father said, “Then, I think he can go to Heaven. God loves beauty.”
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Page 8

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The father said, “Take my violin to the fairy. Tell him that you were wrong, and then say that you are sorry.” So the brothers returned to the crying fairy.
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Page 9

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The older brother said, “We are sorry. We were wrong. Our father said that you can go to Heaven because God loves beauty.” Then, the fairy stopped crying.
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Page 10

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The young brother gave the violin to the fairy. The fairy became very happy. He took the violin, and he played the most beautiful music ever heard!
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Page 11

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The Fairy can go to Heaven
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Page 12

The Fairy can go to Heaven
Long, long ago, two brothers were playing next to a lake. Suddenly, they heard beautiful music. They followed the sound of the music. Then, they saw a fairy playing a harp.
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Page 13

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The older brother asked the fairy, “Why are you playing music?” The fairy said, “If my music is beautiful enough, maybe I can go to Heaven when I die.”
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Page 14

The Fairy can go to Heaven
The brothers laughed. The younger brother said, “You are a fairy. Fairies cannot go to Heaven. Only people can go to Heaven!”
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The story of "The Fairy can go to Heaven"