The Fox and the Hedgehog 2

『キツネとハリネズミ 2』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Fox and the Hedgehog 2” の絵本

The Fox and the Hedgehog 2
The Fox and the Hedgehog
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The Fox and the Hedgehog 2
One day, a fox and a hedgehog were walking in a field. Soon, they saw that they were outside a big farm.
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The Fox and the Hedgehog 2
The fox said, “Let’s go to the farm and eat.” But the hedgehog said, “I am worried about traps.” The fox laughed, and he said, “I am too smart to be trapped!”
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The Fox and the Hedgehog 2
As soon as the fox had said that, he stepped in a steel trap. CLANG! The trap clamped the fox’s leg.
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The Fox and the Hedgehog 2
The fox asked the hedgehog, “What can I do?” The hedgehog said, “You can use your tricks! Save yourself!”
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The Fox and the Hedgehog 2
The fox said to the hedgehog, “I cannot remember my tricks. All of my tricks were startled away when I stepped in this trap!”
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The Fox and the Hedgehog 2
Then, the fox and the hedgehog heard people talking. Some farmers were walking along the path.
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The Fox and the Hedgehog 2
The fox was scared. He said to the hedgehog, “Please help me! If the farmers see me, they will kill me, for sure!” The hedgehog said, “I have an idea.”
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The story of "The Fox and the Hedgehog 2"